All About Words

Amit Ghosh
Published in
3 min readJan 23, 2019
Words are precious.

Hello Everyone — from a toddler to a Ph.D. holder graduates with words.

On the other hand, a writer is someone who nurtures the experience and the understanding on how when, and where to integrate thoughts, emotions, and information so as to best suit the reader.

All the known words and the phrases have evolved with us as humans. The journey of words is a beautiful and fulfilling experience; it leaves behind distinct and often inextricable trail marks, similar to technology and science.

We have been parented, guided, taught, coached and inspired by the influence of words.

From sunlight to moonlight, senseless or meaningful –everything tends to greet us with words, only if we have ears to hear it.

Our day starts with “words” and we will be remembered for the words we share and live by.

We have learned every word in utter patience, but somehow stopped learning new words the moment our “hunger”, “goal” and “achievements” get prioritized. We express our days, moments, and instances with words.

The three magical words “I love you” can make or break a relationship and family tree. Words are the pillars of any agreement whether it’s between two nations or penned by a freelancer.

Writers realize the importance of words only when they are asked to write 500 words for Re 1 per word for which some are even satisfied. We, as God’s creature, matured with word counts, delays in payments and unspoken words.

Real change will happen when we are paid decent and don’t accept low paid gigs — but justice is scarce.To be precise, it has always been the survival instinct for a freelance writer in this marketplace to win a fair opportunity as a freelance content writer.

The issue is to be understood down from the roots rather than ranting just because some have surrendered their soul. There’s always a chance to speak up.

If not today, then when?

Our mind hibernates once we are selected even for the undesirable amount in this Marketplace of “jugaad”.

We use the power of prediction, the instinct of persuasion and the cycle of connection to filter around a humongous chunk of offers just to foot our bills.

Sometimes we overdo and at other times, we become the underdog — but in doing so, we should not forget to focus and breathe in the “pure air” in times when white Rhinos’ are on the verge of extinction and the glaciers are about to touch the seashores.

This situation is worrying, no longer amusing — but it is avoidable only when we “Unite as freelance writers and surmount our inner conflicts.”

Pretending not to give up and still having “peanuts” at breakfast, lunch, and dinner is the real problem.

The market is not absolute nor is the trend. We know our common goals, but compromise with our wisdom which haunts us on every project that we agree to do for “peanuts.”

If you get your protein supplements and minerals by consuming peanuts, then continue doing it else “Unite” and say “No”, thereby bringing solace into your life and network.



Amit Ghosh

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