Why Should Anyone Read your Article? How to make it Reader Friendly !

Amit Ghosh
Published in
4 min readJun 29, 2017
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What makes an interesting read? The internet is flooded with numerous articles of every kind.

In a few years time, there will be billions and billions of them on the very same topic. However, one particular article which will stand out from all others.

What makes it stand out solely depends on the author.

Every article portrays the writer’s point of view, it is how he pictures the topic, expresses it and eventually conveys it to his readers making the article top of the list.

There are a few important aspects to keep in mind while capturing the reader’s attention and provide them with original information.

First of all, a catchy opening sentence attracts almost all readers. It is also a good idea to begin the article with a question to capture the attention of the reader.

Crisp and clear paragraphs encourage the readers to continue reading. It is essential to make sure the paragraphs do not exceed seven sentences Grammatical and spelling errors in an article cannot be forgiven, hence utmost care must be taken not to commit any grammatical and spelling errors. Special care must be taken to stay focused and not drift away from the topic.

In addition, the rule of thumb for writing should always be kept in mind. That is, firstly start the article with an introduction, followed by the main body itself and lastly, state the conclusion of the article.

The active form of speech is preferred over the passive form, as it helps convey the writer’s point of view in a more efficient way.

A well-known quotation or an old proverb enhances the article on the whole.

Although it is quite difficult to please all the readers, it is necessary to keep the majority of the readers in mind. Another important aspect to keep in mind is choosing the right keywords. This not only helps the search engine optimize the results but also helps readers to search without much hassle.

Repetition of sentences and words must be avoided as this will create monotony. Keeping in mind the famous quotation by Albert Einstein, “If you can’t explain something simply, you don’t understand it well enough”. The use of simple language is the key to effective writing. Jargon’s and specialized terminology’s should be avoided as much as possible, as this cannot be understood by all readers.

Moreover, conducting a thorough research and writing all the researched information in the best possible way has a lot to do with the writers’ passion about the topic.

In addition, taking time and confirming the validity of all the research work done is crucial, as providing false information is not at all ethical. In fact, it is not a sin to refer articles on the same topic by different writers, as this helps to understand the point of view of authors from the various situational background. Discussing the topic with other specialists before writing helps the author gather a lot of valid information which will surely enhance the quality of the article because at the end the content of the article is what really matters.

Furthermore, the writer’s point of view about the topic must be discussed, this can give a personal touch to the article. Providing creative examples, researched statistical data and interesting experiences helps the article top the list. For example, for an article about tourism, the writer can add a note about his own travel experience. A description of nature from a personal point of view always improves a travel article.

Last but not the least, ending the article with a question gives a chance for readers to ponder about the article a tiny bit longer. This also makes readers discuss the topic to friends, relatives, and colleagues, thus creating awareness of the particular topic and in turn the article.

As the famous saying goes a pen is mightier than the sword, so an article can even create a revolution.

Therefore, it is very essential for a writer to express his views to the readers in the right way. Sharing a writers knowledge and putting forth valid personal experiences helps to create awareness in the society.

Relevant topics are always welcomed by the readers with both hands.



Amit Ghosh

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