Ten Things I’d Tell My Younger Self

Coaching with Claudia
Claudia Amy Salador
2 min readAug 25, 2021

‘Dear younger me…’

As you know, I’m a sucker for reflection. No big birthday or life event has happened to encourage it this time but just a general musing, especially as time seems to be flying incredibly fast at the moment… I think this is also quite a common experience.

Would the list below that I’ve created be super helpful to my younger self so that I could’ve been aware of so much more than I was… yes. Of course this is an impossibility, but worth thinking about. Living with no regrets and knowing that things happen for a reason, learning along the way and hindsight being a great thing means being able to reflect and looking back on how far you’ve come. Of course, I wouldn’t be where I am today without the lack of knowledge of the below and the array of experiences I have had and making piece with challenging moments has felt like a relief.

Sometimes you need a bit of positivity, perspective and to see how far you’ve come. Here are ten things that I would tell my younger self…

  1. The love you have for yourself sets the standard for the way others will love you
  2. Things will always change
  3. You are enough
  4. Do what you love
  5. When things aren’t good, just know they will get better
  6. Appreciate the present without constantly yearning for the future or for time to go faster
  7. Trust and listen to your intuition
  8. Make as many memories as you can
  9. It’s ok to be selfish sometimes
  10. Try not to care so much about what other people think

If you had to or could tell your younger self something… what would it be?

Photo by Pepe Reyes on Unsplash



Coaching with Claudia
Claudia Amy Salador

Holistic Lifestyle Coach + Personal Trainer 💫 💪🏼 TOGETHER we will TRANSFORM your MIND, BODY and SOUL