Ten Tips To Finding Your Tribe

Coaching with Claudia
Claudia Amy Salador
3 min readOct 28, 2020

‘A group of friends that become like your family. The people that will be there for you no matter what’ Urban Dictionary

Photo by Chang Duong on Unsplash

I’ve been thinking a lot about friendship lately. The changes that friendships go through, the friends you gain, the friends you lose. Reflecting at this period of uncertainty about friendship is only natural. Friends have either proved themselves or perhaps not over the past few months. Not only this, but it is human nature to search for belonging.

You have numerous ‘tribes’ in your life. Your ‘tribes’ can often be described as your people, the group of individuals you connect with. It can be a collection of friends from the past or you may find these groups of people at work or whilst doing hobbies. They are people who you resonate and connect with straight away and didn’t expect to.

Sometimes you naturally are attracted to these individuals or groups, but at other times and for others it can be more challenging and you may not find ‘your people’ on the first try and it may take a while.

There are some little tricks you can remember when trying to find your tribe…

  1. Know who are you — before you can find your crew, you must know yourself. Be comfortable and confident in yourself. Don’t change to fit anyone else, be unapologetically you. From there, you’ll be able to match with the tribe that best matches your authentic qualities
  2. What do you need? — knowing what you need will enable you to search for the tribe that fits you best. What qualities in friends/mentors are you looking for?
  3. Be open — poo pooing a potential friendship without letting it blossom means that you could be missing out. Being open to any and all possibilities means a new ‘tribe’ could be just around the corner. Additionally, being open to meeting new individuals outside of your regular circle is often where the magic happens!
  4. Reach out online — remember the power and presence of the digital world. It is massive! It’s a great resource for communities. Don’t hesitate to reach out online to those that inspire you. Online friendships can move to become physical friendships too. The internet is such a large resource, you are able to search with intention. Of course, be careful about sharing too much information too soon and online but remember that the resource is there
  5. Believe in yourself — believe in yourself. You have so much to offer. Using affirmations to help identify what aspects of a friendship or community you are looking for and start to visualise finding your path towards it
  6. It’s ok to have many tribes — you can have as many tribes as you like. Some work for short term needs and some are for long term needs. Several tribes can belong to different goals, education, professional goals, religion, passion or career for example
  7. Frequent places you enjoy — spend time at your favourite spots and doing your favourite activities. Those that enjoy the same places and pastimes as you are candidates for great relationships. Of course, everyone has varied levels of interests but a starting point is always good
  8. It may not be your first try — you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince or princess. The same applies to to finding your tribe. Don’t let this discourage you. Keep your eyes on the prize and you’ll claim the reward
  9. Be active — unfortunately looking out for your tribe isn’t enough. You must be active with them, set goals, meetings, arrangements and social interactions in order for the relationship to grow
  10. Start your own! — if all else fails… make the first move and start your own. 7 billion people in the world. Make yourself visible so they can find YOU

Get out of your comfort zone and find your tribe!

Photo by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash



Coaching with Claudia
Claudia Amy Salador

Holistic Lifestyle Coach + Personal Trainer 💫 💪🏼 TOGETHER we will TRANSFORM your MIND, BODY and SOUL