Coconut Sugar on the Blockchain

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2 min readMar 17, 2018

Dominq Haliman from Holos Integra very kindly shared some real temperature and humidity data from one of her shipments of coconut sugar. The shipment left her production facilities on the island of Java to the port of Rotterdam.

Coconut Sugar from Java

We fed this data through the Cicero Perishable Goods example blockchain application, tracking the Coconut Sugar shipment on the blockchain, with all the temperature and humidity sensor events associated with the shipment.

On arrival on the shipment we ran a Smart Legal Contract that calculated the price of the shipment based on the arrival date and the max/min temperature and humidity.

A smart clause to monitor the temperature and humidity of a shipment

Not only was it fascinating to see the real sensor data, with humidity varying from 28.73 % to 96.87 % and temperature varying from -2.86 °C to 62.48 °C but we also had some interesting discussions around her existing challenges and opportunities.

Summary report for the sensor data

This proof of concept project was a rich learning experience:

  • Realtime access to the sensor data allows the contract managers to see the state of the contract in realtime, rather than waiting for arrival of the shipment and a potential contract dispute to occur
  • Very large fluctuations in temperature and humidity can occur and must be catered for when designing the packaging of the product
  • The smart legal contract has to be aligned with the business objectives. In this case the major challenge for Holos Integra is not the conditions of shipment, but rather in putting in place business automation and tracking across their supply-chain and production processes
  • We learned a lot about Reefer containers and the Maersk Remote Container Management IoT platform
  • Supply-chains are increasingly becoming IoT enabled and are based on the exchange of complex legal agreements. The ability to tie these two worlds together will drive major improvements in businsss efficiency and cost savings.

Thank you to Dominiq and her team for the amazing collaboration!



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