Publishing Smart Clause Actions to Kaleido

Published in
2 min readNov 8, 2018

Today we are excited to announce the first results of our partnership with our friends at Kaleido. Clause is proud to be listed in the newly announced Kaleido marketplace.

Today, with no programming, you can record the dynamic contractual obligations emitted by Smart Clauses onto a permissioned enterprise Ethereum. This ensures that all the participants in an enterprise blockchain business network have a consistent and tamper-proof record of all contractual obligations.

Using the same technology Smart Clauses running on the Clause platform can invoke arbitrary Ethereum Smart Contracts.

Kaleido is an enterprise Blockchain Business Cloud: a managed Blockchain-as-a-Service offering. In a few minutes you can standup your own private/permissioned Ethereum instance running in the cloud and managed by Kaleido.

Clause in the Kaleido Marketplace

Please refer to the detailed documentation; showing how to publish contract events to the Kaleido Audit Trail smart contract.

A Smart Clause obligation stored in the Audit log smart contract running on Kaleido

🚀 We are just getting started and plan to make significant further enhancements to this integration in the near future. Watch this space! 🚀



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