On the Lost Art of Critical Thinking

Why you need it now more than ever

Clay Rivers
Published in
4 min readFeb 7, 2017


The actor Forest Whitaker as Cecil Gaines in Lee Daniels’ “The Butler”

There’s a sucker born every minute. –P.T. Barnum (maybe)

Americans have lost their skills of critical thinking as applied to reading articles on the internet. Don’t believe me? Read the article on the firing of a White House butler by Allan Ishac … as well as a few of the comments.

No, really. Read it now. It’s a quick read. I’ll wait.

[cue: background music]

Welcome back.

At First Glance

Some readers will see the article as highly partisan and love it because it lambastes the forty-fifth President. Others will see it as partisan and hate it because it lambastes the forty-fifth President. Keep in mind, opinions will vary and your opinion will be based on your subjective life experiences.

Second Look

Some will take Ishac’s article as factual simply because it’s a part of a Medium publication or because it feeds into their bias about (for or against) the forty-fifth President

FACT | noun | 1: a thing done, 3: the quality of being actual; 4a: something…



Clay Rivers
Clay Rivers

Artist, author, accidental activist, & EIC Our Human Family ( and OHF Weekly ( Twitter: @clayrivers