What Are You Looking At, Butthead?

Say Hi to Your Mom for Me

Clay Rivers
Clay Rivers
Published in
2 min readSep 2, 2017


Tanner Rosse, unsplash.com

That was my feeble attempt at a catchy headline.

I just wanted to take a moment to say “thanks.” Thanks for checking out my essays, sharing your thoughts, starting conversations, clicking hearts, clapping, sharing, tweeting, quoting, posting, kind words of appreciation (at what is always the right moment), words of encouragement, sending good juju, and the questions.

Thanks to you writers out there who can write circles around me … I hate you. [beat] Of course, you know I’m joking. I’m not even going to attempt to name you all. There’s something about each of you that makes you the type of writer I want to be when I grow up. The way you turn a phrase, make me laugh, make me think, the way you bleed all over the digital page and make it read so effortlessly … you are amazing.

Thank you all for giving me a few moments of your time because I know there’s thousands of other writers you could be reading.

And to those of you who know we are friends, I thank you most of all. And that’s all I’m gonna say about that.

You’ve all made me want to be a better writer. And wanting it is half the battle. Am I right or am I right? I thought so, too.

What brought this on? In the past few months, I’ve seen too many friends leave this world unexpectedly and so have so many other folks. Maybe that’s what happens at this phase in life. I don’t know.

No, I’m not planning on leaving here anytime soon, but then few people do. I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for each and every one of you.

Love one another,



Clay Rivers
Clay Rivers

Artist, author, accidental activist, & EIC Our Human Family (http://medium.com/our-human-family) and OHF Weekly (https://www.ohfweekly.org) Twitter: @clayrivers