Writers on Medium to Follow

January 2017 Edition

Clay Rivers
Clay Rivers
Published in
3 min readJan 1, 2017


Image by Annie Spratt, unsplash.com

Let auld acquaintance be forgot and tales of the dumpster fire known as 2016 never brought to mind. Thank you.

Well, friends. We made it. I’m sure 2016 has left us all a little worse from wear, but as we head into 2017 let’s raise a glass brimming with kindness and hope that we’re wiser than we were last January. This month’s selection of writers all share something they’ve learned about human nature, politics, life, and love. Hey, if someone else has done the work, why not benefit from it, right? Enjoy!

Meg Barclay

In the crush of the Christmas holidays, it was easy for me to lose sight of the basics at times. What struck me about this piece was Meg’s ability to pluck the essence of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, boil it down to four words — four! — and then wrap it neatly with the bow of relevance.

Jacob Earl

I can’t explain what it is that I like about this piece, but I do. I look forward to read more from Jacob.

Jack Herlocker

This series of snatches of conversations between Jack and his bride have all the charm of a budding romance and reveal a chemistry between them that is very much as comfortable as a well-worn t-shirt and an old pair of jeans. (You get one guess as to who’s wearing the pants.)

Richard Hine

In-out, old-new, salty-sweet … Richard Hine continues the dichotomy in grand fashion with this spicy poem.

Thaddeus Howze

Just when you thought the woes of 2016 drained you of all positive resolve, Thaddeus Howze lays out some positive motivation to life your all.

Dominique Matti

Dominique asks a simple question: how would you live in the fear that your son would die murdered? Her answer might surprise you.

Lauren Modery

What this piece lacks in length it more than makes up for with its honest observations and call to go out on a limb every now and then … because that’s where the best fruit are.

Michael H. Rand

If you’re young, nubile, or virile, scroll on to the next story. There’s nothing to see here — yet. Everybody else: you are so going to love this!

The White House

Read these iconic and memorable speeches by President Barack Obama while you can. Who knows what’ll happen to The White House Medium account after January 20?

Ezinne Ukoha

As with just about everything Ezinne writes, this tribute to the late Carrie Fisher weaves several threads into amazing tapestry of words, thoughts, and emotions that many will find easy to identify with.

elizabeth tobey

I have three words for this article: breakfast of champions.


The White House

While Medium is all about words, Pete Souza’s images of President Obama’s eighth and final year in The White House transcend words and are … well, a revelation.

Love one another.



Clay Rivers
Clay Rivers

Artist, author, accidental activist, & EIC Our Human Family (http://medium.com/our-human-family) and OHF Weekly (https://www.ohfweekly.org) Twitter: @clayrivers