Kite Financial's Blog
Published in
3 min readJan 17, 2023

“Clay” is a mobile game where players match logos representing various cryptocurrencies within a set time. The goal is to educate, remind and challenge their minds.

It is a simple puzzle game built to be enjoyed by any age, for leisure and relaxation while strengthening memory and more importantly, learning about the crypto industry and financial markets in the most appealing and fun-filled way.

  • You click on a card to flip it open.
  • You score points when you match a pair of corresponding cards.
  • You must match all the cards before your timer counts down.
  • You get rewarded with valuable clay coins at the end of each game based on your performance which is measured by the number of clicks and time it took you to clear the board. In essence, completing a game in a shorter time and with fewer clicks attracts more game points/coins.
  • If you aren’t able to match all the cards within the given time, you can buy more time by clicking on the Buy time icon to answer a blockchain-related question.
  • The ‘Buy time’ is an important feature not just because it adds more game time but also because it subtly teaches the user about cryptocurrency, and the blockchain. If you answer the question correctly, then extra time will be added to your game but if your answer is wrong, the correct answer will be shown to you. You get an option to view short ads to get the desired extra time.
  • The more a player engages these questions, the more they know about how crypto works. Even if the player fails the same question a few times, the correct information will be ingrained into their mind over time.
  • You begin with easy levels where you improve your memory and strategy as you continue to take on more challenging levels.


There are 4 modes the user can play:

  1. Tournament mode — Players opt into daily tournaments in their favorite cities with clay coins to compete with other players. Whoever dominates the leaderboard when the 24-hour tournament window closes, is the winner.
  2. Classic Mode — This is the mode where users play on their own to rack up coins and improve themselves as they progress to higher levels.
  3. Play with a friend — Users get to get invite friends to play a context with them by using the friend’s User ID (UID)
  4. Peer Challenge — Players create, broadcast game requests, and find matches on social media channels.

The game is designed to allow the users to have loads of fun while learning about crypto and boosting memory retention.

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