Mach5 Lowdown with Iain Finer

Clayming Space
Published in
1 min readAug 15, 2019

In this month’s episode, we’ll be talking to Iain Finer. Iain is a propulsion engineer based in New Zealand working on point to point travel across the planet. On the side, he is the founder of the blog Mach5 Lowdown which gives us all the info we need to know about the exciting ecosystem of Amateur Rocketry. In this episode, we’ll be talking to Iain about the world of Amateur Rocketry and the aspects of it that are hot right now and who is up to what. Check out the episode below.

© Clayming Space

If you’d like to get in touch with Iain, you can find him at the following:

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Clayming Space

Founder of Metasolis and a fifth-culture-kid. I enjoy music, reading, outdoors, making cool stuff, scify shows, shorts and movies.