Space Ethics & Human Rights with Adeene Denton

Clayming Space
Published in
3 min readAug 28, 2021

In this episode we talk to Adeene Denton, co-founder of the Ethics and Human Rights in the Space Sector project group for the Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC).

Adeene Denton is a scientist and historian approaching future planetary exploration from a humanistic perspective. She is a Ph.D. student in planetary geology at Purdue University. She holds undergraduate degrees in geophysics and history from Rice University and a Masters in planetary geology from Brown University. Her thesis work focuses on the geologic history of prominent destinations for human and robotic exploration, including the mid-latitudes of Mars and the icy satellites, as the geologic history of these bodies is a crucial aspect controlling resource distribution and accessibility. As a graduate student, she has been active in developing a support network for underrepresented students both within the Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Science at Purdue and across the planetary science community through her work with the Women in Space conference. She is an avid writer, dancer, and choreographer, creating work focused on the sociopolitical implications of space exploration.

The vision of the Ethics and Human Rights in the Space Sector project group for the SGAC, is to identify how space technology can best contribute to the realization of the United Nations objectives on Human Rights and the Sustainable Development Goals. At the same time, the project group will be a platform for empowerment and justice from the perspective of the diverse peoples who make up the modern space sector in order to help shape its development to be representative of all humanity.

Ethics & Human Rights Issues in the Space Sector Project Group

Adeene is trained as a scientist, historian, and dancer, which informs her scientific and artistic research process. She is an avid astrohumanist focused on approaching future planetary exploration from a scientific and humanistic perspective. In co-founding the Ethics and Human Rights in the Space Sector project group for the Space Generation Advisory Council, she’s been looking to develop a community centered around non-exploitative relationships with the Earth, space, and any potential non-Earth life-forms for the sake of scientific and peaceful collaborative exploration.

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