California League of Conservation Voters
Published in
1 min readJun 26, 2019


California can become a global leader in addressing our plastic pollution crisis with this fix.

Annual global production of plastics now totals approximately 335 million tons and is only rising.

Sadly, Californians only recycle 15% of single-use plastic.

California has an incredible opportunity to be a global leader again on addressing our plastic pollution crisis.

Senator Ben Allen and Assemblymember Lorena Gonzalez-Fletcher introduced critical legislation that would significantly reduce the amount of single-use packaging and product waste that pollutes our environment and endangers marine life.

If passed, the Plastic Pollution Reduction Act (SB54/AB1080) would:

  • Dramatically reduce the amount of single-use waste generated in the state
  • Require the remaining materials to be recyclable or compostable by 2030

Reducing California’s reliance on single use plastic materials and products is critical to meet the state’s climate and waste goals.

With the support of members like you, CLCV and our allies successfully passed the ban on single-use plastic bags.

This was a crucial first step to reduce plastic waste, but the time for bolder action is now.

Plastic pollution is a crisis, and we must take action immediately to fix it.

Join our fight to support the Plastic Pollution Reduction Act today so that California can take bold action to reduce single-use plastic consumption.

Thank you for making your voice heard today.



California League of Conservation Voters

We’re the political action arm of California’s environmental & climate movement.