Recap: 2020 Clean Energy Trust CEO Summit

Tony Zhu
Clean Energy Trust
Published in
3 min readJan 31, 2020
Evening networking reception in the T. rex Gallery at the Field Museum

At Clean Energy Trust (CET), we do much more than just help startups financially. Throughout our decade of supporting cleantech innovation, we’ve mentored our portfolio companies in refining their pitches, connecting with new business partners, raising follow-on funding, and more. Our portfolio support programs have helped our companies leverage their connection to CET far beyond a traditional VC-portfolio relationship.

One piece of our portfolio programming that our companies look forward to every year is our CEO Summit event, where we bring together our portfolio’s senior executives for an interactive day of honing leadership skills with top-notch executive coaches, psychologists, and other educators. With sessions on topics ranging from presentation skills and effective communication to conflict management and employee coaching, attendees always leave with fresh ideas on how to tackle the everyday challenges of leading a startup. An evening networking reception with investors and CET’s corporate partners following the day’s activities also gives our companies an opportunity to build new relationships with industry stakeholders.

Dr. Beau River

The theme of this year’s CEO Summit was Evolution Within. Kicking off the morning session, leadership consultant Dr. Beau River spoke about the importance of being a good coach to employees and how organizations must become “engines of human development.” Beau’s session particularly resonated with our portfolio CEOs in attendance, who face the daily task of leading and nurturing teams of entrepreneurial, driven, and often young employees through the tough conditions of an early-stage startup.

Our first-afternoon session was led by Myra Castañeda and Shira Galston of Amity, a Chicago-based startup counseling firm. Myra and Shira talked through common “shadows” of leadership, fears, and insecurities that leaders must get to know in order to truly gain agency over their actions and lead effectively. As the CET portfolio leaders in attendance shared their own experiences, many found that they had encountered — or were currently going through — similar obstacles and open dialogue led to anecdotes of potential solutions to overcome those obstacles.

Amity co-founder Shira Galston

Following Myra and Shira, CET’s Director of Business Development and Partnerships, Susie Spigelman, interviewed her former boss and serial entrepreneur, Pete Kadens. Pete spoke about his hiring processes, management style, and dedication to philanthropy. He also shared his approach to developing a work culture of unwavering authenticity, which has helped drive his organization’s success. Pete’s experiences generated feelings of inspiration and drive, encouraging everyone in the room to take their companies to the next level.

Capping off the day, our attendees gathered in the museum’s T. rex Gallery for an evening of networking with investors and CET ecosystem partners. Under the watchful gaze of Sue, the Field Museum’s resident T. rex, attendees connected with new and old friends and shared their perspectives on the day’s teachings.

The 2020 CEO Summit was a successful kick-off to our 10-year anniversary celebration as we work toward our mission of solving environmental challenges, creating jobs, and generating attractive business and investment opportunities by investing in and supporting early-stage cleantech innovation. Educational and inspiring as always, the event left portfolio company leaders feeling connected, equipped and motivated to apply their newfound knowledge.

Interested in becoming a part of Clean Energy Trust’s portfolio and getting the chance to attend our next CEO Summit? Learn more about what we’re looking for in potential investments and apply to our 501vc® seed fund here.



Tony Zhu
Clean Energy Trust

Associate at Airbus Ventures. Supporting innovations in the future of aerospace, frontier tech, and the low-carbon economy.