Huge Victory in Virginia!

Clean Water Action
Clean Water Action
Published in
2 min readNov 8, 2017

By Michael Bochynski, Chesapeake Program Manager

On Tuesday, November 7, the people of Virginia led the way and voted for clean water, climate action and the environment, and voted against the Trump Administration’s anti-science agenda.

Through the support of clean water voters like you, Ralph Northam won the race for governor and Kathleen Murphy won her reelection to the House of Delegates. This is a huge victory for our environment, our water and our communities.

Last night showed that Americans are rejecting leaders who won’t join us to protect our rights, our environment, and our health.

We celebrated victories across the country. In New Jersey, clean water candidate Phil Murphy won as the next governor and he’s pledged to create a carbon-free and green jobs economy in the Garden State. A constitutional amendment was also approved to ensure every dollar in polluter fines go to protecting the state’s natural resources — and not get raided to plug holes in the budget. In Austin, Texas, voters overwhelmingly supported bonds to fund flood control, parks, trails and conservation.

These are great victories, but the work isn’t done. We have to carry this momentum to engage Americans to stop shortsighted and dangerous attacks on our water and health and mobilize even more voters in 2018 to elect leaders to Congress and state houses who will join with us to protect clean water, health, and communities.

Elections matter long-term wins for the environment begin at the ballot box

Voters across Virginia chose a new governor, lieutenant governor and attorney general, and representatives in the House of Delegates committed to common sense policy solutions for addressing climate change and sea level rise, protecting coastal communities and ecosystems from offshore oil and gas drilling, and restoring the Chesapeake Bay.

In Virginia, the General Assembly meets annually — beginning on the second Wednesday in January for 60 days in even-numbered years — to introduce legislation on a variety of issues and work together to pass a budget for the year ahead.

During this time Clean Water Voters take action and communicate with legislators to ensure clean water interests remain well represented in the General Assembly. Every year, Clean Water members and allies successfully help protect the Chesapeake Bay, take action on climate and clean water, and support investments in renewable technology and green infrastructure.

With the 2018 Virginia General Assembly Session approaching, Clean Water is putting together an ambitious plan to advocate for important legislation that will protect and preserve the environment.

Stay tuned for 2018 legislative updates. And thank you again for letting your voice be heard and for being a clean water voter!

Originally published at on November 8, 2017.



Clean Water Action
Clean Water Action

Clean Water Action works to empower people to take action to protect America's waters, build healthy communities, and to make democracy work for all of us.