You might have OCD if…

Cleanaholics anonymous at FSU

Joshua Upton
Cleanaholics Anonymous at FSU
5 min readOct 19, 2017


It is often a misunderstood and typically something that many people not only college students are aware of, but the epidemic of OCD in the united states is growing rampant.

1 in 40 people in the united states have symptoms of OCD, and this is something can can effect college students across the board.

Here at FSU a group exists to help students deal with these issues, and to help them overcome them to become a more productive, and less compulsive when it comes to things in there lives.

There are several different ways to tell if you have obessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and if you experience any of these symptoms you might benefit from joining in on the activities on the cleanaholics group at FSU.

So here are 5 of the most common issues that can arise for college students with OCD.

Photo credit: Buzzfeed
  1. Your Constantly Cleaning.

Everyone who’s ever lived in a dorm has at one point or another come across that one person in the dorm that is constantly avoiding hang outs, because they have to clean, or are complaining about there roommates being dirty.

for a lot of students this is the first time living on there own in a small confined space with a complete and total stranger. when you

2. You Generally Correct Mistakes

So your sitting there taking an exam. a regular person might taking a test or a class they are fairly prepared for might confidently choose the answers for the exam and turn it in with no worries whatsoever.

meanwhile a person with OCD might spend more time looking over questions, questioning to themselves about whether or not everything for the exam is perfect. this could mean completely bubbling in every circle leaving no white space on scan-trons or even questioning how the exam might have 3 answers with “B” in a row.

Its a classic sign of OCD, and it can effect a student during exam times. Its for things like this that people will need to find ways to improve upon these issues on a student level, and find ways to become better test takes from going to student meetings for the OCD group at FSU.

3. Your Becoming Ritualistic

every fraternity or sorority, and even sports teams on campus have some form of ritualistic things that can be done.

This might be touching a helmet on the way out to the football field for good luck, or different forms of initiation for the secretly elusive fraternities. but some students take ritualistic behavior to a different level.

This could be following a similar routine at night, checking to see if doors are locked twice, making sure pets have food, assuring yourself that the 2 water bottles on your desk are enough before you go to sleep.
Its standard OCD behavior to follow ritualistic behaviors, and this can be something that can be combated by anonymous group meetings at FSU.

4. Nonsensical or Absurd Doubts

Everyone might have there doubts on certain aspects of there lives. but people with OCD tendencies tend to over dramatize or even come up with different absurd or nonsensical doubts about certain things.

This can be as simple as someone always carrying an umbrella to classes on the off chance there might be rain on completely sunny days, or this might include someone having fears about failing a class that they may be currently acing.

All of this self doubt, and fear on what may or could happen, tends to put pressure on students, causing unnecessary stress, when there may be enough going on in there lives that they shouldn't be having there focus drained on something nonsensical or absurd.

5. Hoarding

most people have probably seen the tv shows based on extreme hoarders, the people who wont throw anything away or excessivly collect different things that may have random sentimental value to them.

Hoarding is an attribute of obsessive compulsive disorder, and often times is a hard thing to break without the guidance of support from friends or family trying to pull you away from the grasp of having over 200 cats wondering your house or dorm.

But on a smaller note, hoarding does not always have to be super drastic, a student might be a pencil hoarder, hoarding excess amounts of utensils to do different work that they might not even need if they just used there laptops. or people might collect assignments from over a year ago that they might think could still be relevant or used in the future in some absurd way.

Regardless hoarding happens, and if you don’t have the proper connections to break away from it you might need a support group and people who might have similar experiences to break you away from habits that might negatively effect your life.

Why you should Come out and see us!

ultimately it can be dangerous to let your OCD behaviors take the best of the best years of your life in college.

Having issues or problems of any kind of compulsive disorder isn't something that can be broken away from without the help of other people.

So it just makes sense to have a support group at your FSU campus that can help students achieve that greatness that they are striving for without having to worry about any of the obsessive compulsive things that go on in there life that they might not have any control over.

Group meetings for Cleanaholics anonymous at FSU, can work to completely keep your identity hidden from the public as for you to not stress people judging you completely normal and common habits that might irritate yourself.

And we can work with you to help you break away, or deal better with these habits so that you may live an easier and more carefree lifestyle.

OCD can be beat, and often times it is a misunderstood mental disorder, a good example of some myths can be found in this ted talk video as well, so that you know and can understand that you are not alone.


Ted Talks: OCD myths



Joshua Upton
Cleanaholics Anonymous at FSU

Florida State Information technology major, with focuses in video game design and database administration.