Do Kids CleanApp Better Than Grownups?

CleanApp Report
Published in
1 min readJun 13, 2018

There’s a subreddit out there that we like called Explain Like I’m Five, asking folks to translate their big ideas into the language of five year olds. We gave it a shot, but Reddit being Reddit, we had a hard time posting our short schpeel.

So, we did what anyone in the situation would do. We sat down and wrote a children’s story about CleanApp, called “Do Kids CleanApp Better Than Grownups?”

The story is a dialogue between CleanApp and a five year old (the conversation is encouraged by the child’s parent, who is frantically running around a dirty house trying to find keys in order to get out of the house and on — fearlessly — towards work & errands and the responsibilities of adult life). So the parent hands the five year old a phone, and encourages the child to figure out what this CleanApp thing is that everyone seems to be talking about.

Though nominally addressed towards five-year-olds, we think the story is also a very good introduction to the nature, functions and limits of CleanApp. We hope you enjoy.



CleanApp Report

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