Wireframe for CleanAppLite (v.01)

CleanApp Report
Published in
2 min readJan 9, 2023

Continuing our journey of building in public. Longtime friends of CleanApp will recognize our core thesis in the wireframe below: the easier it is to send CleanApp reports, the more people will do so.

Reporting, of course, is just the first (1) part of the three-step CleanApp process, along with (2) analytics and (3) remediation. The more reports we generate, the better our analytics, which leads to a higher likelihood of a prompt and effective response.

One of the functions we’re adding to the sign-up flow is the ability to generate a CleanApp.eth (or .xyz) subdomain along with a custom NFT pfp. So a question to the community: what are the easiest (and cheapest!) tools for generating batches of .eth subdomains and batches of NFTs?

Ideally, one’s subdomain and NFT are generated near-instantaneously, so that by the time a person navigates to their profile, the profile already includes their new ENS name and pfp NFT. However, mindful of block processing times (& cost), it might be more economical to send these requests in daily (ok-ish) or even weekly (grrr) batches, and update the fields as the various NFTs are confirmed onchain.

Follow-up question for the polygonians, optimistians, fantomians, arbitrumians, avalanchians, ENSians, and so forth: what are your respective subsidy bundles for projects like ours? Please note, the pfp component is unbounded; we’re aiming, ideally, for billions of these 1 of 1s. :) Please let us know in the comments below. 💚



CleanApp Report

global coordination game for waste/hazard mapping (www.cleanapp.io) ::: jurisdiction mapping ::: no token yet, but launching research token soon 💚🌱