CleanCapital Acquires $30M in New Solar Operating Assets: Is Your Project Next?

Jon Powers
Published in
3 min readAug 24, 2017

It’s an exciting time to be in clean energy finance. The solar industry continues to set records and surpass obstacles. On Monday the solar industry faced the challenge of a once-in-a-hundred-year event: a total solar eclipse that took 9 GW of solar offline. Thanks to advancements in grid resiliency, grid operators throughout the nation were able to manage electricity demand throughout the eclipse and ramp solar production back immediately after it passed.

But while the solar industry continues to grow at a record-breaking pace, the flow of capital within the space remains largely stagnant. CleanCapital’s recent acquisitions of operating solar assets totaling nearly $30 million are meeting this challenge head on. Our comprehensive and streamlined due diligence process makes the acquisition of operating solar portfolios straight forward and releases much needed capital for project owners to fund future development. These newly acquired solar projects in Arizona, California, Ohio and Missouri consist of high quality customers including schools, universities, and government facilities.

CleanCapital’s efficient process has enabled us to acquire projects ranging in size and scale. Our recent solar acquisitions include portfolios such as:

Closing complex deals like these is vital to our efforts to provide comprehensive capital solutions throughout the clean energy marketplace. As the marketplace evolves we are excited marketplace evolves, we are excited to expand into other verticals like non-investment grade solar assets. Our flexible capital allows us to finance a variety of solar assets ranging in size and risk profiles. We are looking for projects with lower credit quality and merchant revenues.

The acquisition of these high-quality operating solar projects allows us to provide steady returns for investors. If you are a solar developer seeking partners to provide liquidity for your operating portfolio, let us know. We’re open for business.

Learn more and partner with us today



Jon Powers

Co-Founder CleanCapital, Iraq Veteran, and former White House Federal Chief Sustainability Officer.