Here Are the Secrets of Russian Beauty

These 10 natural beauty treatments will make you gorgeous

P. Bear


Photo by Max Titov on Unsplash

You have to hand it to Russian women — they know a thing or two about looking beautiful. From beauty pageant winners to models and actresses, Russia is home to some of the most beautiful women in the world.

I wanted to find out what their secrets were. Was it all down to fantastic genetics?

Was it because of that intangible quality called the ‘Russian soul’? Could the secret to their allure be their mysterious and often silent demeanour?

As Dostoevsky said, “Silence is always beautiful, and a silent person is always more beautiful than one who talks.”

Perhaps we Western woman could learn a thing or two and practice saying less.

Or did they know some practical beauty tips we didn’t?

To find out, I talked to one of my old friends from New York on Facetime.

More is more

Irina grew up in Russia but moved to New York the year the Soviet Union fell. She is now an American but hasn’t lost her distinctive Russian beauty.

She has flawless, porcelain skin, bright green eyes and soft, shiny red hair. More than that, she has a calm, enigmatic radiance.

Yes, I’m a little jealous.

“Irina, are there any Russian beauty secrets you can share with me?”

“Pippa,” she said. “Whereas here in the West, we are likely to say, ‘no pain, no gain’, Russians say, ‘more is more’.”

This means Russian women make an effort when looking after themselves. They don’t hold back. They don’t believe in painful treatments, as we tend to.

But they do go to extremes.

They particularly love homemade, traditional treatments, made from everyday kitchen ingredients. They follow recipes handed down to them from their grandmothers. They are also forever concocting fantastic new beauty methods.

“Look good, feel good,” is something you’ll hear Russian people say. We have similar expressions, of course, but Russian women seem to take this to heart more than we do.

Here are the secrets Irina shared with me.

1. The ‘Banya’

Photo by Mitya Ivanov on Unsplash

The most essential part of Russian beauty is the banya. This is a steam bathhouse or sauna.

Russian women gather there in groups of strangers, friends or family.

The banya is a great place to do some female bonding. It is a place to beautify yourself and to invigorate your health.

Many of the natural beauty treatments shared below are done at the banya.

In Russia, there are specialists at the banyas ready to spank and tap you with branches. These may be eucalyptus, birch or maple.


  • You may not have access to a Russian steam house, although there are some in many major cities around the world. But you can replicate one at home.
  • Add drops of Siberian fir, mint, cade, lemon, eucalyptus or cedar oil to a bowl of steaming hot water or a diffuser. Fill your bathroom with the bright, delicious scents.
  • Alternate hot and cold showers or take a long hot, essential oil-infused bath followed by a cold shower.
  • You can buy birch branches on Amazon. However, you may not have a Russian spanking specialist on hand. Instead, ask your partner to do it for you, or do it on yourself.
  • If you prefer, you can slap yourself all over with the flat of your hands.

Why it works

  • Essential oils lift your spirits and intoxicate your senses.
  • Most of them have beautifying and health benefits. For example, lemon oil is antibacterial and reduces inflammation. Eucalyptus is a potent anti-inflammatory. It also boosts ceramides, which help your skin retain moisture.
  • Hot and cold showers, birching and spanking, will increase your blood flow. They’ll get your circulation moving. They’ll also put you in a frisky mood, especially if your sweetie is lending a hand!

2. Egg-yolk, honey and olive oil hair mask

This is a treatment you can incorporate with your home banya.


  • Mix egg yolk, honey and olive oil.
  • Apply to towel-dried hair and leave for an hour. You might do your nails or other beautifying treatment while you’re waiting.
  • Rinse with luke-warm water and a light shampoo.

Why it works


  • I have previously talked about the excellent benefits of honey for the skin here. The hair is not so different from the skin. Honey is packed with nutrients and is a fantastic humectant.
  • Unfiltered, raw, unpasteurized honey is best for the face. However, you would probably be better to choose filtered, raw unpasteurized honey for your hair. Otherwise, you’ll have bits in your hair.

Olive Oil

  • The benefits of olive oil are too many to list here. Many studies have proved how great it is in the diet. (See here, here, here and here.)
  • Olive oil is packed with antioxidants. It’s a powerful anti-inflammatory and antibacterial.
  • It is also full of Vitamin E and Vitamin K. Both are scientifically proven to be fantastic for the skin.

Egg Yolk

  • Egg yolk is rich in vitamins. The yolk moisturizes and may help your hair resist damage.
  • Egg yolks are packed with vitamins such as Vitamins A and E, biotin, and folate. Researchers have linked these to hair health and growth.

3. Honey, cucumber and egg yolk face and body mask

This is another treatment you can incorporate into your home ‘banya.’


  • Mix honey, grated and mashed cucumber and egg yolk together.
  • Get naked and apply from head to toe. You may need some help to get the back of your body.
  • Do your nails or other beauty treatment while you’re waiting.
  • Shower yourself clean.

Why it works

  • We’ve discussed above why honey and egg yolk are such potent beauty ingredients above.
  • But the addition of cucumber will make your mask a great toner too. Studies prove the many benefits of cucumber for beauty and health.
  • Cucumbers are a potent anti-inflammatory and reduce swelling.
  • They’re filled with antioxidants and nutrients such as folic acid and vitamin C. Both are great for the skin.

4. Face slapping


  • This beauty treatment is just as it sounds — you slap your face.
  • Do it as vigorously as you can stand, but don’t bruise or damage yourself!
  • Bonus points if the weather is cold and you do it outside.

Why it works

  • It brings blood to the surface of your skin, which brings nutrients and oxygen to your epidermis.
  • The result is glowing, healthy-looking skin. You too can look like you’ve just been walking in the wilds of the Ural Mountains.

5. Cucumber juice and parsley water


  • Place fresh parsley in a mug or small teapot.
  • Pour boiling water over it and stir.
  • Leave this to steep for at least 5 minutes, or longer if you like a stronger taste.
  • Strain, and discard the parsley.
  • Let it cool down, then chill it in the fridge.
  • Peel cucumbers and chop into large pieces.
  • Put them in a processor for a couple of minutes until they’re a pulp.
  • Strain.
  • Stir until there is no separation.
  • Add your chilled parsley water and blend it again in the processor.

Why it works

  • We’ve already discussed the many benefits of cucumber above. The addition of parsley will make this health drink super-charged.
  • Parsley is incredibly rich in Vitamin C. Studies have shown that Vitamin C is great for the skin. It promotes collagen synthesis. It also promotes wound healing and the absorption of nutrients. It can fade hyperpigmentation. It accelerates cell renewal. There are so many health and benefits to Vitamin C that it deserves its own article.

6. Air-dried hair

Photo by Daria Magazzu on Unsplash

Instead of blasting your hair as most American women do, Russian women are gentler on their hair.


  • Wash your hair.
  • When it’s half dry, start twisting it around your fingers to create a natural, heatless wave.
  • You can also use a diffuser.

Why it works

  • There is much less damage to your hair’s cuticle.
  • Over time, your hair will retain more moisture and be softer and shinier.

7. Rose oil


  • Take fresh rose petals, place them in a pestle and mortar, grind until you’ve produced oil.
  • Mix your rose oil with a carrier oil such as coconut or almond oil, so it’s not too strong. (Never use essential oils in their pure form directly on your skin.)
  • Put your oil blend on your face, preferably overnight.
  • For extra ‘soulfulness’ use the roses your lover sent you.
  • Alternatively, you can purchase some rose essential oil.

Why it works

8. Ice

Empress Catherine the Great is famous for starting her days by rubbing an ice cube on her face, neck and décolletage.


  • Roll a few ice-cubes in a soft cotton cloth.
  • Gently massage your face and jawline in a circular motion.

Why it works

  • Ice restricts capillaries and closes your pores.
  • It can increase circulation and soothe inflammation.
  • It’ll give you a healthy glow and extra tightness.

9. Lemon for fingernails


  • Use a cotton pad to put lemon juice on each nail and allow to dry.
  • You can also use a slice of lemon directly on the nail.
  • Follow with a flaxseed oil nail bath (see below).

Why it works

  • Lemon juice may help to lighten your nails and remove stains
  • The vitamin C promotes stronger growth.

10. Flaxseed Oil Nail Bath

Photo by Sarah Cervantes on Unsplash

This is an excellent treatment to do while you’re waiting for a face, hair or body mask to work wonders.


  • Pour some flaxseed oil into a dish and soak your fingernails for a few minutes.

Why it works

  • The fatty acids in flaxseed oil balance the skin’s oils.
  • It reduces any inflammation and encourages skin repair.
  • It’ll prevent brittleness for your nails or surrounding skin.


These traditional Russian beauty treatments are readily available at home. They are made from easy-find and inexpensive ingredients.

I like the rejection of the mainstream, toxic, cosmetic industry.

These recipes blur the lines between ‘health’ and ‘beauty’ treatments. In my opinion, health and beauty are inseparable.

The best part is these treatments require you to slow down and be present with yourself. If you combine them with your meditation practice, you too may get that ‘soulful Russian air’.

There is also a method behind the madness. Each treatment has a concrete reason as to why it will work.

Have fun with these natural beauty tips. Experiment and see what works best for you.

Think like a Russian woman! Don’t be lazy about your beauty regime — more is more!

It’s easy to make the switch

  • In case you need another reason to switch to a clean beauty or personal grooming routine — here’s the last thing I’ll say about it: It’s never been easier to go au naturale.
  • Thanks to so many of us finding out about the toxins in our cosmetic products and demanding better solutions, there has been a boom in organic, natural companies offering clean, non-toxic beauty and cosmetic products.
  • The time to make the switch to natural, clean personal care and beauty products is now. You’ll never look back.
  • Read more here and here.

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