Sink Your Spoon into Strawberry Icebox Cake

Clean Plates
Published in
1 min readJul 20, 2017

Recipe by Lauren Salkeld

Strawberries plus cream plus cookies — what could be better? In this version, a few tweaks make it better for you without sacrificing flavor one bit. With plenty of lightly honey-sweetened fruit, yogurt swapped in for some of the cream, and cookies made with whole-wheat flour — not to mention the make-ahead ease of icebox cake — the cake is destined to be your new summer fave.

If the directions for assembling it seem fussy, rest assured this dessert is truly easy to make and the extra steps are simply meant to ensure even layers and no air pockets. But if your patience runs out and you’re left with thicker or thinner or not-perfectly-aligned layers, no worries — it will be just as luscious, and all the cozier for having a rustic look.

If you find you have some leftover yogurt cream, cover and refrigerate it, and serve it later with fresh fruit.

Originally published at Clean Plates.

