How to Implement Firebase Remote Config with Swift 5

Control your iOS app’s behavior remotely

Zafar Ivaev
Clean Software


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Firebase Remote Config allows you to control your app’s state without adding any additional code and republishing your app on the App Store. For example, you could control a certain label’s text property using just the Firebase Console, and this is exactly what we will be doing in this tutorial. Let’s start:

  1. Create a new blank Xcode project
  2. Go to
  3. Add a new project
  4. Set any name, accept the terms and press Create Project
  5. Open your brand new Firebase project
  6. Tap on iOS button
  7. In iOS bundle ID: copy Bundle Identifier from your Xcode project
  8. Press Register app
  9. Download GoogleService-Info.plist file and paste it into your Xcode project’s root folder. Make sure that the name of the download file is exactly GoogleService-Info.plist
  10. Open Terminal and navigate to your project’s root directory. For example, I have the project on the Desktop: cd desktop/testapp
  11. Run pod init
  12. Open the generated Podfile: open Podfile -a Xcode
  13. Add the following…



Zafar Ivaev
Clean Software

Senior iOS Engineer. I write about features of Swift and iOS development practices.