🎬 This is a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the movie "Kamerajägaren." 🎥

📽️ This is the story behind making the documentary film "Kamerajägaren" about Stig Wesslen. The movie 🎥 was created by Dag Jonzon and Joakim Sandström.

This story contains information about the 🎥 and includes interviews with Ulla Lundström, Stig Wesslen's daughter.

Unfortunately, Ulla passed away earlier in January of this year. 😔 We are grateful that you were able to see the movie's outcome before her passing. 🙏 Rest in peace, Ulla. 🕊️ Our condolences go out to her family. ❤️

A Sunday movie recommendation! KAMERAJÄGAREN

One year ago, I got a call from my good friend @DagJonzon

He asked if I wanted to join as a supporting film crew roadie. I said yes, of course! #filmcrewroadie

Thank you, Dag; this was a lifetime experience for me. Oh, my goodness, how much preparation and detail there is to create such great results as this movie.

So, this Sunday, August 15th, the premiere is for “Kamerajägaren.” A movie about Sweden’s first nature and environmental filmmaker, Stig Wesslen, started filming 1930s.

The movie is made by Dag Jonzon and Joakim Sandström.

Congratulations to you both. Brilliant work.

Stig earned an International reputation as the first to film a brown bear in the Swedish mountains.

Stig also produced the movie “Den levande skogen.” which has never been more relevant than today.

Today. At 7 PM. SVT 2. Kamerajägaren. You can also check it out now on SVT Play. (only Sweden) ENJOY


You can enjoy more high-resolution photos “behind the scenes” on Flickr as well here: https://flic.kr/s/aHsmQuvxzu

Photo Credits: Lars Ling & SVT.

Photo Credits Lars Ling and SVT. All rights reserved © copyright. 2008–2021



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