The New Nordic CleanTech Showcase at Press Club in Brussels.

The New Nordic CleanTech Showcase at the Press Club in Brussels.

The first new Nordic Cleantech Brussels Showcase’ was held on June 20th at Press Club Brussels Europe in Brussels, Belgium — a premier gathering of leaders and innovators in clean technology.

You can watch the full live stream on Vimeo or Youtube

Applehead Finance at the Press Club in Brussels.

Mr. Pär Larshans held a fascinating keynote on ’Circular Economy’s role for decarbonization,’ giving the audience insights into the importance of #phosphorus and #circulareconomy combined. He is currently the Chief Sustainability #CorporateResponsibility & PR Officer at Ragn-Sells Group.

Pär Larshans, Ragnsells about the Importance of Circular Economy.

Then, H.E. Ammon Mutembwa, Ambassador for Zimbabwe to the EU, held his insightful opening remarks on the ’Solar Thermal Heat Decarbonisation potential for industries in Africa and Zimbabwe.’

The theme ’#SolarThermal Heat Decarbonisation industries in Africa and Europe’ followed, with Joakim Byström, CEO of Absolicon Solar Collector AB, sharing how it will reduce help #decarbonizing industries in Europe, Africa, and the world.

Joakim Byström, CEO Absolicon Solar Collector AB.

And from Zimbabwe, Dr. S Gata, Executive Chairman of ZESA Holdings, shared insights on the mega ’10 Gorges Project and decarbonization of industries in Africa’, where there are immense needs for cleantech relating to energy needs.

Dr. S Gata, Executive Chairman ZESA Holdings Zimbabwe.

Professor Gunter Pauli, a pioneer named the Steve Jobs of Sustainability and ’The Che Guevara of Sustainability,’ held a thoughtful and engaging talk on ‘The future of #cleantech and Decarbonisation. What actions can Europe take to be competitive with innovation and job creation?’

Prof Gunter Pauli, Founder of ZERI Network, The Blue Economy, MS Porrima. The Steve Jobs of Sustainability.

From Exaum, Finland, Paolo Micheletti closed the theme with the Future Of Electric Grids! — We need affordable, flexible, and #cleanbalancing of grids to make the #energytransition happen!’ Exaum is committed to balancing the power grid to promote the #greentransition.

Paolo Micheletti, Chief Philosophy and Human Officer at Exaum, Finland.

The next theme was ’The Future Sprint of Clean Energy, #SmartCities and Decarbonising Africa.’ Vesa Korhonen presented Afstor Clean Cooking with Solar and 4G in Zambia. Afstor Solar enables electricity, internet & education in Africa and compensates for carbon dioxide emissions by reducing wood-burning.

Afstor, solar-powered stove with 4g mobile modem built in.

#Edutainment and sustainability-driven Applehead Finance followed with an engaging and unique mission presented by its Éstonian founders Henri Keskkula and Richard Keskküla Keskkula.

From Estonia, Applehead Finance, Henri and Richard Keskkula, Clean Energy revolution with Web3, and AI.

Power Save Me founder David Radszuweit presented a solution that allows cost-effective energy use monitoring for private homes, corporate buildings, and larger communities.

David Radszuweit, Founder of Powersave Me.

Then, Natalie Storbacka took us on a thoughtful journey in ’Human-centred design and Sustainability.’

Natalie Storbacka.

Concluding the showcase was an online panel discussion on the topic ’Clean Energy Tech, decarbonizing cities and industries in Africa & Beyond’ — with Cecilia Wandiga (she/her), ED at Centre for Science and Technology Innovations (CSTI) in Nairobi; Elie Habimana Project Manager at Norrsken East Africa and Kok-Chin Tay, Chairman — Smart Cities Network, Executive Director Everyone by Smart Cities Council — ASEAN.

Lars Ling, CEO & Founder of CleanTech Region Impact Group, moderated the successful event.

Lars Ling, CEO & Founder of CleanTech Region Impact Group and the New Nordic CT showcase organizer.

Thank you so much to all participants, partners and speakers.



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