Electric Vehicle Buying Made Easy

Cameron Brown
Cleantech Rising
Published in
3 min readFeb 8, 2018


As more electric vehicles (EVs) hum quietly down our streets, haven’t you wondered what it would be like to drive or own one yourself?

Interest has been on the rise and yet something seems to be holding EV sales back. As Current Ev states in its mission, “Unfortunately, many car dealers would rather steer you away from them, and they can be confusing to buy or lease.”

In his article, A Car Dealers Won’t Sell: It’s Electric, Matt Richtell explains why. In short, here are the key reasons:

  • Salespeople know more about combustion engines than EV technology and are more comfortable discussing and selling traditional cars.
  • EVs take more time to explain to buyers and because time equals money, EVs are less profitable.
  • Salespeople often aren’t compelled an EV will fit their customers’ needs.
  • EVs need less post-purchase maintenance, a service that makes dealers significant profits.

This inspired David Eagle to create a company to address this problem. He decided to apply the concept of a concierge service to electric vehicle shopping and purchasing.

The goal of his company is to connect electric vehicle buyers with the best deals and the vehicles that are right for them. Here are some of the services it is currently offering.

Current Ev Concierge Service

Image: Challenge Bibendum

Compare and Contrast EV’s

The Current Ev website lists the various cars it represents. Find the basic information you need to start learning about options that exist for you. And find clear, detailed profiles for each car.

Have Your Questions Answered

In our Google world, sometimes it’s nice to pick up the phone and speak to a human being. Folks at Current Ev are ready to answer your questions and concerns to help you be more confident in making decisions. The information you need is only a quick call or email away.

Schedule a Test Drive

Ever wanted to test drive and feel what it’s like to sit behind the wheel of a slick EV? When you narrow down which cars you want to test, you can let them know and they’ll facilitate it for you.

Find the Best Deal for You

While this feature is specific to Los Angeles, Current Ev offers an EV Deal Builder that connect you with anonymous, low bids from LA dealers for the cars that interest you most.

Image: Dave Pinter

Whether you’re just curious or you’re seriously considering buying an electric car, Current Ev is a phenomenal resource to get started. And if it’s your family members, co-workers, or friends on the market for an EV, forwarding this post along to them just might make their day.

Act on Climate

Drive home the pressing nature of global climate change by watching and sharing this short video Global temperature anomalies from 1880 to 2017.



Cameron Brown
Cleantech Rising

I care about people and the environment that surrounds and connects us — writer + environmental activist + cleantech advocate + design thinker