This Summer Is the Hottest You’ve Ever Been

Zoheb Davar
Cleantech Rising
2 min readAug 25, 2016


August is ending and that means white pants are passé. It also means summer is almost over, and it happened to be the hottest summer ever recorded. That’s a major indicator that we seriously need to curb global warming and fast.

You’re likely on vacation or just getting back in the work saddle. As you may or may not know, we’re real people with real fingers typing these newsletters on real keyboards, so we too like to adventure and enjoy the world we’re trying to preserve.

Therefore, taking a breather from generating our normal content this week, we’ve written an analogous tale of climate change and also included some solid resources to satiate your cleantech appetite…

Climate Change is like Louis XVI

Fossil fuels were like Louis XIV — their power progressed society as never seen before, and without them, humanity would be a puerile version of what it is today. But no one predicted negative externalities that were mustering.

That would make CO2 emissions equivalent to Louis XV — they were the true cause of the impending damage. People started realizing the devastation that would ensue from them; Louis XV even said: “Après moi, le déluge” (after me, the flood).

Climate change is like Louis XVI — You know how the story goes. He got his head chopped off by the guillotine, which is the perfect metaphor. The Earth is virtually losing its head by means of intense heat waves, colossal floods, oceans rising, and other gnarly effects.

Renewable energy is the revolution that gave France back to the people! Do you hear the people sing… Such an inspirational song. They democratize humanity and provide a solution to the chaos. That’s why we all need to champion clean energy!

Now here’s a pretty infographic that you can share with your friends (along with Cleantech Rising’s newsletter, of course)…

And finally, here’s a TED talk about how Costa Rica became a country that runs on 99% renewable energy:



Zoheb Davar
Cleantech Rising

I’ve grown quite fond of the environment, let’s preserve it eh? Attempting to make you laugh.