The Future of Energy is at Our Fingertips

Katy Laser
CleanTech and SmartGreen
3 min readNov 2, 2018

Renewable energy holds more potential than we ever imagined

It is no secret that our planet is in dire need of help. The IPCC’s recent report has made that abundantly clear. Given the amount of damage that humans have done in only a few short decades, it is steadily becoming more difficult to remain optimistic when discussing the future. The fossil fuels that have long powered our lifestyles are not sustainable. They are not infinitely abundant and, furthermore, have had catastrophic impacts on the environment. These crude sources of energy are clearly not the future. But how bad are they, exactly?

“The accumulated amount of man-made, global warming pollution that is up in the atmosphere now traps as much extra heat energy as would be released by 400,000 Hiroshima-class atomic bombs exploding every 24 hours, 365 days a year.” -James Hansen, leading Climatologist

Well, to be blunt, they are catastrophic. Not only do they contribute to the greenhouse ejffect, they’re also responsible for the direct destruction of local environments. They’ve destroyed habitats, polluted waters, and deeply impacted life for humans and wildlife alike. This isn’t a trend that we can continue for much longer. These energy sources will run out in a few short decades, leaving us with no choice. It is time to make drastic changes.

A bird covered in oil following the B.P. Gulf Oil Spill (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)

Let me be clear: no source of energy is perfect. Each type, both renewable and nonrenewable, is flawed. That said, renewable energy holds abundant potential. Between 2006 and 2016, renewable energy production in the European Union increased by two-thirds.

It is projected that by 2020, 20% of energy consumed in the EU will be renewable.

A single solar farm roughly the size of Spain could power the entire globe. Of course, there are some larger logistical issues that make such an idea impossible, but you get the idea. There is a lot of unharnessed, renewable energy right before us.

Between solar, wind, hydropower, and even more, there is more than enough clean, renewable energy to power our planet. We might not have yet discovered the most efficient ways to harness it all, but we know that it exists and we know that it could make a significant impact. We’ve got some major problems to tackle, but we have a lot to be optimistic about. If we manage to fully harness the clean energy that we have access to, the possibilities to what we can achieve are litmitless.

Author’s Note: My time with Climate-KIC is coming to an end. Interning here has been an incredibly rewarding experience and I’m sad to leave. Thank you to everyone who made this opportunity possible! Stay in contact through my linkedin page and feel free to reach out. All the Best! -Katy

