MBA Annual 2022: Day Two General Session Recap

Jancy Ulch
Clear Capital
Published in
3 min readOct 28, 2022

The Mortgage Bankers Association’s Annual Convention & Expo is the largest annual gathering of real estate finance professionals in the world. This year, industry innovators and experts gathered from Oct. 23–26 at Music City Center in Nashville, and shed light on the many issues and initiatives the real estate industry faces. Here, we’ll boil down the key takeaways, session highlights, and share industry-shaking intel from MBA Annual 2022.

MBA’s second keynote session featured Mike “Coach K” Krzyzewski, the head coach of the Duke University men’s basketball team from 1980 to 2022, and coach of the U.S. men’s Olympic basketball team from 2006 to 2010. Matthew Rocco, 2023 MBA chairman, and chief executive officer and chairman of the board of Grandbridge Real Estate Capital LLC interviewed the coach.

Key Takeaways:

  • Coach K adheres to four core values for team leadership — Teams who have a positive attitude, believe in themselves and the team, are prepared for the competition, and pull it all together for a strong execution.
  • On Coach K’s teams, everyone pitches in — Everyone on the team is responsible for the team’s outcomes, and leading by example is “huge” to the team’s success.
  • In the time of remote work, Coach K values in-person work more than ever — While remote teams can still produce great results, teams that incorporate some form of in-person connection thrive most.

Session Highlights:

Coach K discussed his career as a coach in length, emphasizing that his leadership style has evolved over the years, especially with the adaptation of technology and the evolution of how young people view the world today. Through a series of anecdotes about his time coaching both college and Olympic basketball, he explained his leadership style.

Matthew Rocco, 2023 MBA chairman, and chief executive officer and chairman of the board of Grandbridge Real Estate Capital LLC; and Mike “Coach K” Krzyzewski

There are four key values that Coach K teaches all his players: a positive attitude, belief in themselves and the team, preparation for the competition, and pulling it all together for a strong execution.

Known as one of the most successful coaches of all time, even Coach K’s teams can’t win every game. He discussed how he handles losses and other difficult circumstances. The most important step, according to Coach K, is to take responsibility and ensure that team members are accountable for their actions, as well as the actions of the team. Having a unified team makes everyone better, he insisted.

Noting the importance of equality in a team environment, Coach K ensured everyone on his team — from managers to players — knows each other’s names and treats one another with respect.

Mike “Coach K” Krzyzewski

Remote work boomed during the COVID-19 pandemic and has increased in popularity since. But Coach K believes the best work happens when people get together in-person. During one COVID-19 season, he noted the team performed worse than they had in many seasons.

“I think you have to incorporate something in-person,” Coach K said. “A big thing with coming up with a great idea is seeing the body language and facial expressions… that doesn’t mean you can’t do well, I just don’t think you do as well.”

Coach K led the Duke Blue Devils from 1980 to 2022, but in his retirement, he says he hopes to spend time with his wife, three daughters, and 10 grandchildren.

The MBA Annual Crowd during Coach K’s keynote session

