The Clear Chain

Klajdi Turlla
Published in
2 min readDec 28, 2015

One of the main tech topics discussed in 2015 was Blockchain Technology. After the BitCoin phenomenon, people in the industry start looking at the potential of Blockchain technology and a lot of them started building platforms, applications and services.

Everyone is doing something with Blockchain

The infographic above is just a part of a longer list. Payment giants are either conducting research or experimenting with the technology and more companies will most likely do something with it in the future according to McKinsey. ethereum is building a whole platform and ConsenSys are building applications. Financial Services, Smart Contracts, Digital Identity and a great range of other services are being re-imagined and redesigned based on this exciting technology.

But the concept itself is pretty complex. To really understand the technology you have to do a lot of reading and research. Experts in the industry have different views: Barry Silbert has invested in more than 56 companies while Peter Ohser of MoneyGram doesn’t see Bitcoin as a solution.

Twitter has been an amazing space to learn and connect with people working with Blockchain.

Personally I see the space with great interest and I try to understand as much as possible about the technology (it helps that is related to my daily job in Fintech). That is one of the main reason I started to engage with people from the industry on Twitter. Whether re-tweeting from Florian Graillot or small exchanges with Dan Makoski, Twitter has been an amazing space to learn and connect.

I am starting this Medium publication which I am calling CLEAR CHAIN. The idea is to cover a company that is doing something with Blockchain every other week

In my endeavor to understand Blockchain I am starting this Medium publication which I am calling CLEAR CHAIN. The idea is to cover a company that is doing something with Blockchain every other week in the form of a short interview with the founder and/or team. After reading a lot about Blockchain, I strongly believe this is one of the best ways to understand and explore the potential of the technology. By looking at real applications we can understand easier what these services really mean for us, and by speaking with companies we can understand the vision and how it came about. And since Blockchain technology is being applied to almost every existing digital and non digital service, it will be a chance to understand the current state of these services as well.

Let me know with your thoughts on this. Also any tip on cool Blockchain companies to cover is very welcomed.

Are you following me on : @klajdi_kl on Twitter | Klajdi on Linkedin ?



Klajdi Turlla

Product Management in Mobile Payment Fintech Startup | Chapter Leader at Product Tank | Judge at Innotribe Startup Challenge | Mentor at Fintech Supercharger |