Amy Hupe’s unexpected content design heroes

Rachel McConnell
Clearleft Thinking
Published in
3 min readMay 25, 2021


I asked the lovely Amy Hupe, Content by Design speaker, about the current challenges and opportunities facing content creators.

Change the world with words — give voices to the people who need them

What do you think is the biggest challenge facing those in content disciplines right now?

The current political, social and environmental backdrop — and specifically the pace at which we’re experiencing change — means there’s a demand for rapid creation of new content.

Whether it’s changes to policy or legal documents, reports on environmental crises, or campaigns for change, content is going to sit at the heart of what’s coming, one way or the other.

The challenge for those in content disciplines is to deliver quickly without compromising on standards for content clarity and quality — not just to deliver, but to deliver something viable.

What do you see as the biggest opportunity for content designers/UX writers right now?

To change the world with words. To give voices to the people who most need them.

Who are your content or design heroes?

As a GDS alumni, I’ve been fortunate to meet many brilliant people in government that I consider my content and design heroes — far too many to name.

I have so much respect for people doing content and design work in the civil service — especially at the moment. There is no alternative to government, so putting user needs at the heart of content and design work is essential.

It’s challenging, and it doesn’t often get the recognition it deserves.

When you’re not busy running content teams, how do you like to relax?

I love cooking (and eating) good food.

If you weren’t in content design, what would you be doing?

I’d be a psychotherapist — I find psychology absolutely fascinating. I’m really interested in understanding people’s behaviours and quirks, and how dynamics form in social groups, at work and in relationships.

What would you tell yourself if you could travel back in time 15 years?

I’d tell my 16-year-old self to embrace the unexpected and not to get disheartened when things didn’t go how I wanted them to.

I didn’t get into the uni I wanted. I had a terrible time at the one I did go to, and dropped out after my first year. I had a series of knock-backs when applying for jobs, and the lifelong journalism career I had planned turned out to be a mere 2-year foray into the field and back out again.

But all of those trials and tribulations led me to where I am now — in a job I absolutely love, that I didn’t even know existed back then.

Content by Design takes place on 6th and 7th July. Tickets are on sale now.

This event is brought to you by Clearleft. Clearleft is a strategic design & innovation consultancy based in Brighton UK. Our team of industry-leading strategists, design thinkers, technologists and innovators work alongside global brands to help design leaders get the most from their products, services & teams.



Rachel McConnell
Clearleft Thinking

Content and design leader. Found of Tempo. Author of Leading Content Design and Why you Need a Content Team and How to Build One