Clearleft Presents: Interview with Jan Chipchase

Rowena Price
Clearleft Thinking
Published in
3 min readJan 17, 2018

Our next Clearleft Presents event is a bit of a coup! A uniquely crafted masterclass on international field studies, part of a global series of workshops, and an exclusive here in the UK.

The Field Research Masterclass is a one day workshop split into two-parts, and will be run by renowned writer and director of international research and design projects, Jan Chipchase.

We’re incredibly excited to be collaborating with Jan to bring this workshop to the UK, and recently caught up with him to discuss his background, thoughts on design, and why well crafted field research it critical for competitive advantage.

Let’s start at the beginning. You’ve been “lucky enough to have turned curiosity into a career”. Where did that curiosity come from and how did you get started?

My professional curiosity came when I started working at Nokia and realised that I didn’t have the skills or insight to answer the questions I was tasked with asking. That lead to going out into the field (with no training) which as been the start of this journey.

You’ve said that most corporate field work falls well short of its considerable potential. What are we all missing?!

The growth of human centred design masks a greater truth: that most corporations treat field work as an extractive exercise, and they end up with data and teams that are left exhausted rather than inspired.

I think there’s a better way. It starts with trust between members of the team, including local hires, and goes from there.

Thinking about the role of design in a wider context, what responsibilities do designers have and how can they offer a meaningful contribution to society?

Like any process, design can be applied to good or bad (and these things are not necessarily obvious at the outset). The interconnectedness of things that we’re designing demand an understanding of the bigger picture, and our role within it. Embrace the moral challenges — these are the thing that define us.

What makes great design?

Currently, great design reveals human potential.

What’s the biggest challenge you’ve faced in your career?

Personal battles around the easier versus the harder life, since the latter has a higher impact on the people around me.

You’ve lived and worked all over the world. How have your travels inspired the work you do now?

My principle is to live somewhere that inspires me, so that every day I can learn something new. Tokyo does that for me currently. Travel has provided a baseline of understanding, but it took a decade of being a practicing researcher, writing the Handbook, and planning these workshops to understand how the art and science of travel can lead not just to being interest, relevant.

Finally, what one piece of advice would you give your younger self?

Be comfortable in the wilderness.

This workshop is for anyone who needs to understand users and consumers across markets, geographies, and cultures.

Join Jan and the Clearleft team at Clearleft Presents Jan Chipchase: Field Research Masterclass in London on Wednesday 30th May 2018. Tuesday 29th May 2018 is now SOLD OUT! Find out more and buy your tickets at

