0.0001% Do This To Wake Up Early EVERYDAY!

Secret tips to get up earlier

Clear Yo Mind
3 min readDec 14, 2023


Photo by Acharaporn Kamornboonyarush on Pexels

WELCOME Sleepy Birds! 🐣

Not being a morning person definitely has its negatives. You struggle to get things done on time, get dressed, eat, and even walk!

However, in this article I will give you a couple short tips that will make getting up early SO much easier.

#1 Short Daily Tasks ✏️

The reason why most people struggle to get up in the morning is simply because they have just way too many things to do! When you have large and bulky tasks & objectives you have to complete throughout the day, this makes getting up and getting it done the hardest part.

What you should do is shorten them tasks into simpler and more manageable objectives. Allocate a short specific amount of time you need to complete for each task. When everything is broken down and all in simple + short steps, this makes it so much easier to get them done.

  • BTW: Never make your hardest task the first task you do! This is because when you first get up and you are starting to complete those tasks, you are literally still half asleep. Doing hard tasks first will make it harder for you to put enough effort and dedication into it. Although getting the hardest things out the way first sounds like a good idea, realistically, it isn’t!

#2 Let The Light Shine BABY! ☀️

The next thing you need to do is expose yourself to more natural light. Natural light helps regulate your circadian rhythm and signals to your body that it’s time to wake up. The easiest thing for you to do whilst you're half asleep is to open your curtains and open the window.

This allows the bright morning light to shine, and opening your window allows the nice cold breeze of air to enter your room which makes it harder to fall back asleep.

  • What you could also do is spend some time outdoors before you go and do all your tasks for the day. Go for a little walk around your local park or even your back garden. That natural light and morning breeze puts your mind and body into power mode which allows you to be prepared to get things done.

#3 Make Your Mornings EXCITING 😎

If you’re typically not a morning person, the best thing you can do to become one is to make your mornings more exciting. Whether it’s enjoying a tasty breakfast, practising a hobby, or engaging in a calming activity, having a positive and rewarding morning routine can motivate you to get out of bed.( It is also better to do the tasks you find enjoyable before you do all the hard tasks! )

Before you go to sleep, plan a beautiful morning routine that you can look forward to and enjoy. Planning it is easy, but actually doing it could be hard due to the fact that when you're half-asleep doing anything is almost impossible.

The only thing you can do to fight your morning tiredness is to just stop being a lazy bum and motivate yourself to get up. Whilst you're lying in bed, just think about that entire morning routine you planned and that will make you more likely to get up.

  • Practice makes perfect! The first few days of doing these tips will be hard, but overtime you will start to realize that getting up early is so EASY!

Outro ❤

Thank you all so much for reading, feel free to check out my E-Book since I have created a guide that can literally help you achieving anything you want in life. That’s all from me so have a good day!



Clear Yo Mind

I write articles that will help you become the best version of yourself.