16 Golden Rules of Living With People

Nadir Mahmood
Clear Yo Mind
Published in
4 min readMay 21, 2024
Photo by Duy Pham on Unsplash

The way we communicate and interact with others can significantly impact our society. It’s important to inspire and support people of all ages to help them grow.

Here are some guiding principles to help create a better world.

1. When you meet young people — INSPIRE THEM

Young people have dreams. They want to explore the world and want to experience new things. If you are a grown-up person, make it your habit to inspire the young generation so that they can use their energy and time to pursue their goals and become a better version of themselves.

2. When you meet children — EDUCATE THEM

Children are looking for answers. When kids come into the world, everything is new to them. Being an experienced person and having learned many new things from making mistakes, it is our responsibility to guide our children so that they can make better choices in their lives.

3. When you meet old people — HELP THEM

The elderly were once young and strong and helped us grow as good humans. Now it is our turn to help them when they need it. This way, we can create a peaceful environment, using the wisdom of older generations and setting a good example for the future.

4. When you meet wise people — STUDY THEM

Wise people are valuable assets. Studying their lives allows us to learn from their experiences and progress more rapidly. Successful individuals show us how to tackle challenges and turn them into opportunities.

5. When you meet leaders — HONOUR THEM

Photo by Unseen Histories on Unsplash

Leaders inspire us to do great things. All great moral or corporal achievements ever achieved by humans are due to people who lead their people in the most troublesome times.

We should respect our leaders as they transform us from nobody to somebody.

6. When you meet foolish people — AVOID THEM

Foolish people waste our time and energy when we try to reason with them. We better avoid them and never let them inject negativity into our minds.

7. When you meet humble people — TREASURE THEM

Although humble people make a big difference in the world and inspire us with their great works, they don’t consider themselves better than others.

The quality of humility helps successful people focus on the next achievement and they do better than others in their fields.

8. When you meet arrogant people — IGNORE THEM

Arrogant people are akin to stunted grain stalks, standing tall, while humble individuals resemble mature grain stalks, bowing their heads.

"Let's become mature and ignore those balloons full of hot air."

9. When you meet gracious people — EMULATE THEM

Gracious people are kind and polite and enhance the world we live in. In the 21st century, marked by widespread stress and anxiety, we need more caring and compassionate souls.

Let us mirror the graciousness of others to cultivate a heavenly environment on earth.

10. When you meet aspirational people — ELEVATE THEM

Aspirational souls always think big and strive to inspire hope and positivity in us. Let’s elevate them.

I love what Steve Jobs said:

“ The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do”

11. When you meet strong people — SUPPORT THEM

Photo by Tim Bogdanov on Unsplash

Strong people help us fight back in the face of setbacks and difficult times.

Resilliant individuals are like mountains that withstand the storms of life. Let’s support them and learn from them.

12. When you meet godly people — BLESS THEM

Godly people are righteous and don’t allow personal prejudices to keep them from sacrificing for those in need.

These pure souls are willing to sacrifice their own needs and comfort for the good of others.

Let’s bless them and follow in their footsteps.

13. When you meet weak people — STRENGTHEN THEM

Uplift the weak people who don’t realize their worth and think low of them. Those who have low esteem, guide them that they are unique and can do anything in life.

14. When you meet hardworking people — ENCOURAGE THEM

Diligent people achieve remarkable feats in the world. Those who pursue their goals despite obstacles and setbacks deserve our encouragement and backing.

15. When you meet Honest people -PROMOTE THEM

Honest people serve as a beacon of hope for humanity. In a society driven by worldly pursuits, many resort to any means to achieve success. Yet, those who uphold honesty consistently choose the righteous path to succeed without compromising their integrity.

Let’s support those who believe that honesty is the best policy.

16. When you meet evil people — EVADE THEM

Malevolent guys find joy in committing destructive acts. Occasionally, societal adverse conditions and unfairness lead individuals to become evil and depraved.

Let us demonstrate positive behavior for those toxic individuals intent on causing harm.


Dealing with people is an art. The above principles can help us create a better society where individuals from all backgrounds and age groups are motivated and aided in making this world a better place for humanity.



Nadir Mahmood
Clear Yo Mind

Writing is my passion. I write about self-improvement, fulfilling life and financial freedom. Let's grow together!