3 things you need to stop doing.

stop doing it before it’s too late

Clear Yo Mind
3 min readNov 22, 2023


Photo by Ahmed Adly on Pexels
  • Doing things that negatively impact your life is ruining your chances of experiencing a sense of enjoyment. It’s important you stop doing these 3 things if you want to improve your life for the better.

#1- Giving up too easily

  • Nothing in life comes easy, you will face challenges and experience things that are hard to overcome. You need to work hard for what you want the most. If everything were easy everyone would be able to do it and achieve the same thing as you. If you have a goal you want to achieve, you need to be willing to put in that effort and dedication.

Giving up easily is slowly weakening you and you don’t realize that. Time is something that should not be wasted, and if you're working towards a goal just to give up on it, then you're clearly wasting the only thing that could change your life. Use your time wisely, put that time into things you know you can work towards and achieve. It’s important you do what’s right for you and follow your own path.

If you follow other people’s path, whatever that is, you won’t be able to achieve it without their support. You're not used to doing what they’ve been doing so that’s going to make you more likely to quit.

Make sure you also understand that you don’t have to be perfect at everything. The most successful people were inexperienced just like you. If you have a goal you truly want to achieve, then you need to work towards that and let nothing stop you. Everyone faces hardships during their journey, but only the strongest people survive it. So you need to be that person who does and work through that journey no matter whatever obstacle is trying to stop you.

#2- Trusting people too easily

Never give loads of people your trust, because that makes it easier to break you apart. You must understand that your trust is something that is special to you, who you give that trust to is what could determine the type of emotions you experience or even the type of life you live.

Only ever put your trust into people you know you can rely on. There are times when you can put your trust into the wrong people’s hands and that can be accidental sometimes. Maybe you thought you could trust them but then they betrayed you. Things like that are hard to avoid, it’s hard to look at a person and truly wonder if you can trust them.

What you should do is look at them based off of the person they are. Try and think of what their type of personality is then ask yourself if you think you can trust a person like that. For example, a loud person who speaks a lot may be hard to trust, but someone who doesn’t speak too much and tends to keep things inside might be easier to trust. Giving out your trust is your choice, you could make mistakes but what matters is that you don’t just give it to everyone.

#3- Living in the past

Whatever happened has happened. There is nothing you can do to change that outcome. You should not be wasting time on something you cannot bring back. You can’t change the past but you can change your future so it’s better you focus on that. Focus on what’s ahead of you, instead of what’s behind you.

Leaving and ignoring the past will be hard, but it will benefit your life for the better. You need to make a decision, are you going to allow the past to consume you and break you down, or are you going to focus on the present and work towards living a better future? It’s your choice.

By all means, keep your focus on what matters in life. Focusing on the bad things or the things you can no longer experience is going to mentally destroy you, so please don’t let that happen and just focus on the positive aspects of life.

Outro ❤

Thank you all so much for reading. Feel free to check out my E-Book if you would like a guide that teaches you how to achieve success. That’s all from me so have a good day!



Clear Yo Mind

I write articles that will help you become the best version of yourself.