Shannon Lowe
Clear Yo Mind
Published in
5 min readSep 20, 2021

Sept. 19, 2021


Need I mention the absurdity of “The Affordable Healthcare Act" and how it caused so many more seniors and elderly to become even more medically neglected by doctors than they already are due to being on Medicare or medicaid? So, since I currently leave theological debates and political discussions alone publicly, we should probably proceed toward a collective interpersonal solution, which would need to be applied to start and establish another healthful learning structure of interdependence in America. We must view through a more moral overview. Maybe it will have an inspirational effect of some kind of positive nature. Maybe NOT!

Maybe we can once again spawn some more good old compassion toward others whose lives and souls are more deprived, and starving for true love more than us. Isn’t that what Jesus based his entire ministry and all teachings on for His apostles and disciples to learn and practice? Can we do this better together than our religious institutions did? So I formally and publicly dare to ask, “Dear God, where are the rest of your fully- armored spiritual warriors who have extensive experiences in spiritual warfare? Where are the other consistently sanctified, spiritually anointed Americans who are fit to serve in discipleship and leadership; chosen by You to teach and guide all the millions of lost spiritual orphans in America, on behalf of Christ?”

Could it be true that all of our senior citizens' combined wisdom, obtainable only through their lifelong experiences, could help these younger generations develop a moral discernment and much wiser judgment? If only they were to all interact and converse with the seniors on more of a continual and personal basis. Doesn’t it seem like a good starting point that God would honor? What if all of our younger adults and children were taught, by parental examples, to voluntarily seek out and selflessly offer to help assist all of our seniors, creating a new cultural movement across all societies together in America? Wouldn’t both the parents and their children together, also find true self- worth by fulfilling more of God’s divine purpose for their youth by joyfully serving and meeting more of our seniors' infant- needs [Golden Rule + Agape Love]?

Now let’s apply cause and effect equations to this idea. Wouldn’t our seniors then become more than willing, and maybe even feel emotionally compelled, to verbally reflect back on the purposeful “In God We Trust" America from decades ago? How many of our elderly American citizens would also yearn to lovingly share their life’s priceless wisdom for guiding and directing our younger people in almost all of these cases; especially as more time passed? Couldn’t this also reestablish and solidify their [meaningful and invaluable] interdependent friendships?

Now imagine the natural acceptance and unconditional love of all the little children, brightly illuminating the hearts of our elderly seniors in American “nursery” homes. Dare to picture it in your own mind. I can just see all of those new, fuller, authentic smiles on all of their older-aged faces! Many of them would surely feel obligated to reflect back in time and passionately describe, define, and teach what a healthy interdependent America was once like! WAKE UP! WE’VE BEEN “ASLEEP AT THE WHEEL" LONG ENOUGH. Isn’t this a better option than today’s public school teachers promoting Common Core?

Now imagine the personal satisfaction and SELF-WORTH contentment of those children and younger adults who would receive back the genuine gratitude and personal approval from the elderly adults. It would cause a chain reaction from those seniors who are actually feeling their interpersonal assistance is needed. How long do the seniors have to feel like they are in a Love Drought, unneeded by our unloving societal norms?

Imagine the deeply appreciative gratefulness the young would also receive back from the seniors who are on the receiving end of our selfless hel. Now imagine again the seniors' joyful and encouraging relief from any feelings of helplessness or hopelessness most of them now suffer from. If we don’t start actively engaging, and teaching this to our children now, then who’s going to help us in this manner when we’re all seniors and our children and grandchildren are the age we are now? Whose fault will that be? GOLDEN RULE! WE CAN’T POINT THE FINGER AT OTHERS!

Can you now picture the infinity sign, you know, the sideways figure 8?

That’s how a Agape Love lives in the heart and should be spread throughout our daily lives to become contagious and endless! When selfless acts of love aren’t being demonstrated and actively spread by us freely sharing true love, then true love dwindles out and dies in us too. It’s just like a candle’s flame running out of wax and wick. It’s a simple as that! We can each add our own individual wax and wick to our collective American candle of true love’s dwindling flame. Don’t let the socialist/communist-minded people dominate. Don’t. Eternal riches in heaven establish individual merit on Earth.

We’re not respecting our elders collectively, because nobody has correctly stood up yet to refute this devaluing of life outside of the issues of “abortion”. So many Americans have chosen poorly to engage in those FOOLISH LEGAL RIGHTS ARGUMENTS, between “pro-life” and “pro-abortion” debaters' opposing opinions. Those immature verbal debates and arguments have served as a great EMOTIONAL DISTRACTION AWAY FROM the opposite end of American life’s chronological spectrum. How deeply subliminal was that emotional distraction? Think about it!

Look at how many people got distracted subconsciously by the act of judging others’ decisions and lives. For what personal purpose, was it to personally claim to disagree with the “devaluing and ending of a life shortly before it’s physical birth"? Well, if you’re one of those who feel this way about abortion, then what about this societal problem of the “devaluing and ending of a BORN life shortly before it’s physical death"? Now do something about it, please!

I’m disgusted by this hypocritical example, which proves that we all need to quit judging others and only judge our own self NOW! I feel that having pro-life beliefs or morally okay, yet judging and accusing others isn’t. So I suggest to all pro-lifers who have debated against abortion and judged others who may oppose your belief, “Invest your time and selfless energy where your mouth was, or still is. Better yet, put your money where your mouth is, all of you declared PRO- LIFERS. Go take a senior citizen you know out to lunch, enhance their life, and quit judging others!” That’s pro-life with true love mixed in with it. Now that’s only 1 example of how you spawn the Golden Rule into action.

Better yet, go take a tour through an elderly nursery home; and tell them why you’re there. And don’t cop out by telling yourself that a human life in the form of an unborn fetus is more important to God Almighty for you to be an advocate for than enhancing the existing physical lives of our love-starved seniors in America’s elderly “nursery homes". Actions speak louder than words to God, just like they speak louder to our children and our elderly americans! Respect, like love, lives by us giving it.




Shannon Lowe
Clear Yo Mind

AUTHOR, I studied and applied Self-psycholgy bestsellers since the 90's. I wrote, "TRUE LOVE & SELF-SOCIOLOGY: AMERICA'S LEMMING RACE" for a time such as this