balance —

the power resides within.

Isobel Erny
Clear Yo Mind
4 min readJun 1, 2024


(P.S. – listen to the audio-file for the best experience).

Have you ever been on the receiving side of ‘You just need to balance your priorities more — It’s that simple.’ Maybe something like, ‘Life is much easier when you find your balance.’ I’m sure all of us have heard something along these lines as once a child, now grown into an adult. It’s almost inevitable; people will go to great lengths to give you advice on life. Yes, of course, the ones closest to you do this for the promotion of your best interests. But here I’m referring to strangers getting a high off of telling you what is what, that — that is this.

It’s a load of garbage. I’ve had this saying thrown my way more times than I can count — my own therapist even preached this concept. But really; truly, what does it mean? What is balance if it’s not physical, nor material? What is it beyond that of a teeter totter at a children’s playground, beyond a data set? Is it felt — in the body, in the mind?

Balance is less of a concept and more of an applicative phenomenon. It is not thought into existence (conceptualized), alike an ideology is. It is applied; not once, not twice — but continually. It is ever-changing, shifting, and morphing into different entities. It is materialized through trial and error. It is everything at once and nothing at all. I felt inspired to write this piece because I’ve been trying to create a sense of balance in my own life. For me, balance is a part of my own spiritual cultivation. With that said, it becomes apparent that balance is not found, but is cultivated.

It’s difficult to balance one’s own life — every life is multifaceted and messy, no matter who you are or where you are. We’re all just little people in a big ole world, trying to make our way, trying to find what makes our clock tick, our engine start, our heart beat. It can seem impossible at times.

It’s just easier to avoid those feelings, take it out on that person, deflect beyond reason. Yeah, it’s hard. But the hardest things in life are the most worth it. If you play the long game, life usually turns out beyond what your imagination can envision. If you’re simply playing to win the match then and there — on the spot — your choices become consequential. As I continue to stay true to myself, I’m learning more and more about the life I want to create, the person I want to be, the things I want to cradle and foster, the people that create my world.

In all the chaos, I’m fucking up, tripping over my own two feet, feeling everything, feeling nothing, twiddling my thumbs, experiencing the new, yet feeling things of the past. I’m learning.
Learning. Feeling. Growing.
And in that — I’m not finding, but cultivating balance. Balance as spiritual. Spirituality as balance. They are one in the same. They are you.

Beautiful, isn’t it? Life is nothing but a pool of possibilities. I used to think the opposite. I used to think life was a product of what happens to you — which couldn’t be further from the truth. Life is you. You are life. Life is one. You. Me. We. Let’s live it and just see. See how it goes, where it goes.

I invite you to stop what you’re doing — right here, right now — as you follow the words I’ve puzzled together, take a moment for you. Take a deep breath. In. Out. Feel the air fill your lungs as your eyes flutter closed. Heart filled to the brim. Abundance. Balance.
Here we go —
Do this exercise as many times as you need, it’s here for you any time, anywhere.
Find a place of quiet.
Sit as you please, whatever feels most comfortable. This can be laying down on the floor, or in bed. Simply sitting upright on your desk chair or sitting cross legged on the carpet. Just go for it.

Once you’re comfortable, notice your breath as it enter and exits your Being. Feel it. Be it.
Is it slow? Fast? Deep? Shallow?
Let’s sink a little deeper.
Inhale. Exhale.
Big breath in.
Big breath out.
Let’s count from 1–5 as we inhale…..
And exhale as long as you can —

That’s it. That simple. Awareness of the breath can do amazing things. Other-worldly things. Just wait. Just see. Feel.
It’s coming, I know it.

So —
as I wrap it up here. I want to leave you with one last thing. No matter how you are feeling in this moment, what’s going on in your life, what your worries are, your fears are — I invite you to this space of peace; of balance.
Because —
balance is you. You are balance. The power is within. It resides in you; from you. Nothing less, nothing more.

And that’s all guys. Again, I thank you for getting this far and reading along. Means the world!

With peace and love, as always —
Isobel Mae ❤

