Boundaries Blurred: Spotting the Red Flags Before It’s Too Late

Nicole Tholmer
Clear Yo Mind
Published in
3 min readMay 8, 2024

Jenny always thought she could spot a red flag from a mile away. Yet, as she learned the hard way, even the brightest warning signs can fade under the dazzle of a charming smile.

Jenny has always been known for her sharp intuition and assertive nature — traits deeply rooted in the values of respect and privacy that her family cherished. She prided herself on her ability to maintain clear personal boundaries, a skill she believed would protect her in any relationship. However, her experience with Mark revealed that even the most vigilant can be subtly undermined.

Their first meeting was filled with laughter and an immediate connection that seemed promising. But not long into their relationship, unsettling signs began to emerge. At one of their early dinners, Mark half-jokingly mentioned he should check Jenny’s phone “to make sure she wasn’t too good to be true.” Jenny laughed it off, unsettled but swayed by Mark’s charming demeanor.

As their relationship progressed, Mark’s behavior grew more invasive. He suggested they exchange keys to each other’s apartments just a few weeks in, framing it as a logical step since they spent so much time together. Jenny’s initial hesitation was quickly overshadowed by Mark’s charm and seemingly rational arguments.

Mark began to weave himself into every aspect of Jenny’s daily life. What started as him insistently driving her to work, which at first seemed thoughtful, soon extended to unexpected daily lunch dates and small surprises. His constant presence gradually shifted from being a delight to a burden. Whenever Jenny expressed her need for space, Mark would look so hurt and promise to adjust, yet his understanding of ‘space’ was far narrower than Jenny had hoped.

She was unable to go anywhere without Mark! He often spoke for her in social settings under the guise of being protective. While her friends initially found his attentiveness sweet, they soon picked up on Jenny’s growing unease and started voicing their concerns.

Talking to Mark about these feelings was challenging! He would deflect, questioning Jenny’s commitment and implying she did not value their relationship. His emotional responses were overwhelming, often leaving Jenny comforting him instead of resolving her concerns. This became exhausting.

The breaking point came when Mark began making decisions about Jenny’s career. He voiced strong opinions about which job offers she should take and which business trips were unnecessary, clearly prioritizing their relationship over her professional growth. Jenny felt increasingly isolated, wrapped in a suffocating version of devotion.

It was then that Jenny realized the full extent of Mark’s control. His ‘love’ was smothering, not supportive. Gathering her courage, she finally confronted him. Despite his pleas and promises to change, she stood her ground. Jenny learned a painful but vital lesson: true love should encourage personal growth and freedom, not constrain it.

This experience underscored the importance of listening to initial instincts and recognizing how subtle boundaries can be eroded. It is critical to understand when the cost of a relationship is too high and to be firm in protecting one’s autonomy.

To anyone finding themselves rationalizing their partner’s controlling behavior, remember: genuine respect in any relationship includes respecting boundaries. Stay aware, stay assertive, and trust your instincts.



Nicole Tholmer
Clear Yo Mind

Nicole Tholmer, trauma therapist, empowers adults toward emotional wellness and resilience through personalized, compassionate therapy.