First Self-Publishing Book Strategy

Currently I am 60 percent complete with my 50,000 word’s goal with my first book.

Tom O'Connor
Clear Yo Mind
1 min readMay 27, 2024


Photo by Alina Vilchenko:

I started to reach out to five self-publishers.

I am writing my book for three reasons:

  1. This book writing exercise has been a cathartic experience.
  2. I want to teach readers lessons I have learned from being raised by an alcoholic father and an enabling mother. As much as it has been painfully rigorous for me to heal, I want to help others through their healing process.
  3. My target audience is readers who have ever been, or are currently undergoing alcoholism. Additionally, my target audience includes readers who are currently or ever been in a relationship with an alcoholic.

I plan to complete this book within the next 60 days.

Can any of you Medium writers recommend any self-publishing strategies for me?

Thanks to all of you for reading this.

Tom O’Connor

