How To Make 2024 Your YEAR.

Follow these steps, and 2024 is yours.

Clear Yo Mind
5 min readNov 15, 2023


Photo by Inga Seliverstova on Pexels

2023… thank you!

Although 2024 is only 2 months away it’s best you enter it in the right way and with the right mindset before it begins. I think we can all agree that no matter how good or bad 2023 was, we should congratulate it. All the failures all the mistakes, all the problems we went through this year happened for a reason. Your failures teach you how to improve and do better, heartbreaks teach you that it takes time to find the right person, a loss of someone you love teaches you that you should appreciate everyone else you know that is still around.

There will be a time when your closest friend/partner/family will no longer be with you so appreciate them whilst they’re still here, and if you ever get to spend time with them, take that opportunity.

Anyway, in this article, I will give you 4 ways to improve your life before 2024 begins.

Rule #1: Have the right friends

Friends are everything, friends determine our emotions like happiness, sadness, and anger. If you're connected with a friend that gives you an emotion you don’t want to feel, then leave them. For example, if they constantly make fun of you or bring you down, then I have no clue how you are still around them.

Friends are literally made for happiness and support, so if you have friends who don’t provide that, it’s best for you to just leave them or find better friends. I understand it will be hard to leave your so-called “friends” and you might feel some regret, but soon you will be glad you made that decision since if you actually try and find a new friend, then you will succeed.

If you really don’t want to abandon that friend, the best thing to do is put less time into the friend that brings you less enjoyment. So if you have one friend that always makes you laugh and makes you feel comfortable, but you also have another friend that doesn’t make you laugh much and they treat you unfairly, then it is obvious which friend you should spend the most time with.

Rule #2: Have goals & aspirations

What’s the point in living life if you have no goals to achieve? In life, you're meant to have a dream and it’s your job to fulfill that. 2024 is your chance to fully focus on that goal and do whatever you can to get closer and closer to success. You will face hardships, and you will face moments where you feel like quitting, but you must understand that everyone that has chased their goals has felt like that before, it’s normal, but only the strongest people can survive that phase so you better be that person.

There may be people who discourage you from achieving your goals, but always remember that it’s your goal, not theirs. You're the one who’s working towards it meaning that no one has the right to stop your journey. People might try and take you down, they might believe you can’t achieve it, but all you need to achieve your goals is your own self-belief. Self-belief is your biggest weapon since it is what will motivate you to push further and further. I made an E-Book that contains an entire chapter on how to build your self-belief so you can check that out if you like :)

Rule 3: Get Rid Of Negativity!!

I talk about negativity so much in many of my other articles but it’s so important that you understand it. Negativity is the only disease that will attack and take you down from whatever you're trying to achieve. It’s your job to fight that and keep pushing forward.

Life comes with problems, everyone faces it, but you must keep moving forward and don't lose focus on what matters to you the most. The only way you can live a good life is if you try and get rid of the amount of negativity that is in your life. So if you can control whatever makes you feel like sh*t, you must do whatever you can to get rid of it. The less negativity you experience, the better life you will live.

I understand that sometimes you technically can’t get rid of certain negativities you experience since you might not be able to control it, but what you can do is avoid whatever place makes you feel like that. So if you hate your work area, it’s best you find a better job since it will be much better for you mentally, or if you live in a negative household, I recommend you try your best to save and move out in the future. Or if you're in school, avoid whatever area it is that makes you feel like sh*t. Most of the time, it’s going to be people who make you experience negativity, so just try and avoid them as much as you can.

Rule 4: Love yourself ❤

We spend so many years focusing on our insecurities and imperfections it is literally so unhealthy for you mentally and physically. Nobody is perfect, we all have features we wish we never had, and we all wish we had features we never will get. If you expect to love your life, you need to love yourself. No matter how much hatred you have for your appearance, you must love yourself if you want to live a good life.

Constantly tell yourself that nobody is perfect, you might view someone as perfect, but another person might not. Perfection is not a thing for everyone, but certain people can see perfection in you. The right person will love you for who you are and see the beauty you contain. It doesn’t matter if you don’t see what they see in you, all that matters is that you appreciate them, because they are making you feel better about yourself.

Confidence is important, and you need that. It does not always have to be another person that puts confidence in you, you just have to mentally remind yourself that you can’t keep spending so much time focusing on what you hate about yourself when you could spend time focusing on what you love about yourself and other things that matter in life like spending time with friends and your loved ones. Focus on reality, not your looks and you will soon start living a better life.


Thank you all so much for reading, once again, feel free to check out my E-Book because it will truly help you out if you're looking to achieve success in whatever career you are partaking in. That’s going to be all from me so have an amazing day!



Clear Yo Mind

I write articles that will help you become the best version of yourself.