How to Make Your Brain Think Like a Genius.

Become smarter than you used to be.

Clear Yo Mind
4 min readJun 7, 2023


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

Currently, you’re probably not that smart. (I think..)

So you’re probably not smart. You want to quickly build your knowledge and become smarter at things you used to suck at. You want to make your brain think like a genius and make good decisions. So today I’m going to help you with that.


Before we get started, Remember that the key to thinking like a genius is not about trying to replicate the exact thought patterns of a genius, but it’s really about acquiring the right skills and the right mindset. You can’t be exactly as smart as Albert Einstein or Elon Musk, but you can get your knowledge so close to theirs that you’re easily comparable.

Method 1: Puzzles & Strategy Games

Most people hate things like these, but to build that knowledge and intelligent thinking of yours is to simply solve puzzles and play strategy games. These games sure are stressful as f*ck, but it’s so beneficial if you want to become smarter. They can help you increase your knowledge, develop problem-solving skills, and boost creativity. Mystery games and puzzles literally force your brain to work really hard and pay attention to every little detail.

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Video games based on strategy development enhance your brain’s flexibility and creative thinking. Games like Call of Duty, for example, require persistence and the correct timing for things to work well.

Method 2: Think Critically.

By thinking critically you need to question literally everything including your own beliefs and assumptions. This can help you develop a more objective and analytical mindset, which is a key trait of geniuses. You need to know so much more than you think about something you’re working on. You need to stop going with your beliefs and keep hoping you get the right answer based of off luck. You need to analyze every single thing and find as many ways as possible that can build up to the same answer.

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For example, people who have weak critical thinking would often jump to false conclusions and rumors rather than find real detail that can lead to the truth. The ones who have strong critical thinking are often people like detectives and investigators. They analyze every single detail, even the smallest things like a toenail could make a difference.

Method 3: Try New Things

Practicing new challenges and activities can boost your intelligence. Your brain has the ability to learn and grow as you age so when you continuously try newer things your brain is growing so much faster. So let’s say you’re someone who just got into football or soccer. You know completely nothing about it until you are told the rules and how to play. After you know the basics, you start to come up with intelligent skills to trick the opposition to your advantage.

Photo by Aman jha on Pexels

Research shows that playing sports boosts blood flow to your brain. This enables your body to build more connections between nerves within the brain. This improves memory, stimulates creativity, and helps your brain develop better problem-solving skills. So if you want to get smarter, try new things you’ve never done, it doesn’t have to be sports it can be other activities as well but playing newer sports is just much more beneficial.

Method 4: Focus On Your Strengths

Focusing on your strengths can help you develop a genius-level mindset and achieve success in whatever your working on. When you focus on your strengths, you have the ability to channel your energy and resources toward the things that come naturally to you and that you enjoy doing. This leads to a sense of fulfillment and motivation that can be difficult to achieve when you are constantly trying to improve your weaknesses. Focusing on your strengths can help you to develop a unique perspective on what your working on.

When you become an expert in what you’re working on, you gain a deeper understanding of certain areas you didn’t know existed or mattered. This allows you to see connections and patterns that others may miss, which can lead to you creating game-changing ideas. Some people might be an expert in things but brush away the small things that might not matter but if you have that critical thinking ability, you can see how beneficial that small thing actually is.


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Clear Yo Mind

I write articles that will help you become the best version of yourself.