How To Speak Confidently In Just One Article

Confidence is key…

Clear Yo Mind
3 min readOct 23, 2023


Photo by Dhemer Gonçalves on Pexels

No confidence is ruining all your opportunities

So let me guess, you’re not that brave of a person, you fear people will judge you for how you think, and you think people will criticize you and laugh at you for your own opinions. Everything you want to say is stuck in your mind, and all that you think about is how they will react to it.

Will they agree? will they disagree? will they think I’m crazy? When you have something you want to say but you keep thinking about how people will react to it, that question or opinion will never come out of your mouth. The more you think about how others will react, the more likely that opinion will never be revealed because you’re too scared to say it. In this article, I will help develop your confidence.

  1. Ask More Questions

Asking questions can help build your confidence and make you feel more at ease. The only way you can become more confident speaking is by learning from others. Not everything needs to be self-taught, you need to develop your knowledge by speaking to others. If you’re scared to ask, don’t be, you're either stuck in that “I can’t do this” position and quit, or you reach out for the help you need. It’s not the end of the world if you struggle to speak confidently, life is all about developing and becoming the best version of ourselves.

Don’t fear you are not capable of becoming a stronger person because trust me, you are.

2. Don’t Bring Yourself Down

Don’t tell yourself “I suck at speaking” or “I’m so embarrassing” negative self-talk will just make things so much worse. Instead, say things like “I will improve”, and “I will speak more” by all means just don’t bring yourself down. We don’t live forever, it’s so important you understand that you need to make your life worth living. You need to have confidence in yourself to enjoy your time on earth. Acting shy and speaking less will make your life seem miserable, you want to be full of joy and speak bravely about anything.

I know it sounds so much easier than actually doing it but, it takes courage and determination to allow yourself to start speaking bravely about yourself. Take your time with things, take it slow, and overtime you will improve.

3. Allow The Pressure

When you're speaking about something, you may begin to feel nervous especially if everyone is looking at you. This causes that pressure to build and you start stuttering on your words. The thing is that you can’t stop this pressure, you need to allow it. This pressure allows you to speak more bravely and it actually shows that people are paying attention to what you are saying.

So many eyes looking at you at once is a good thing, it allows you to get used to it, so whenever you have to say something again, you’re not worried about others staring at you. Always think before you speak so you say the right words, and the only thing you should be thinking about is your question or opinion, NOT how others will react to it.

4. Don’t Overthink About How People Will React To Your Questions/Opinions

You need to think less about how others will react, think more about how that question will benefit you, and speak to others about things you’re uncertain about. Remember, now is the only time your question or opinion can be revealed not later, not tomorrow, not next week, but only during that moment.

Don’t let it go to waste because you’re too scared to express it, if they disagree with you, tough on them. Humans never think the same, so don’t think people will always agree with what you think. Opinions make nobody right It's literally what you personally think.

Conclusion ❤

Building your confidence is going to take time, it could take weeks to months, so don’t give up and continue to follow these steps because it is what will help you become way more confident overtime.

Thank you all for reading, feel free to check out my new E-Book since it will literally help you become successful at ANYTHING. That’s all from me so have a good day!



Clear Yo Mind

I write articles that will help you become the best version of yourself.