Inviting You To Become Our Writer — Clear Yo Mind Submission Guidelines

We want to share all your mental health stories and advice

Elizabeth Karls
Clear Yo Mind


“What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor, and more unashamed conversation.” — Glenn Close.

Hello, Elizabeth here! Welcome to Clear Yo Mind, a publication where people can publish their stories and feelings about mental health and wellbeing, personal growth and development, and general life lessons.

At Clear Yo Mind, we are not looking for perfection. Write, just the way you are. Nobody is perfect, and we do not expect you to be.

I use ProWriting Aid to edit all the articles we receive here.

If you are an avid writer and would love to purchase it for yourself, kindly use my link. If it does not resonate with you, you can have a free trial and never upgrade to a pro version, no questions asked.

If you are not a member of the Medium Partner Program, I recommend that you sign up.

It is better if you are a member because your stories qualify for payment, and they are distributed more and for longer. Although, now, you can still earn from the Medium Partner Program whether you are a member or not.



Elizabeth Karls
Clear Yo Mind

Clinical Psychologist in training. Mental Health advocate. Top writer in life, love, relationships, psychology. Write for us