Law of Attraction: 3 Strategies To Apply It In Your Life

Apply these strategies to get the maximum law of attraction and live the life you desire

Nadir Mahmood
Clear Yo Mind
6 min readAug 4, 2021


To get the maximum of attraction law, we should stop wanting, and start acting as if all our dreams have come true.

You might have heard of the law of attraction and wondered whether it really works or not? The answer is, it certainly works and I believe so because it worked in my life.

First of all, let me clarify that the law of attraction is not some complicated, magical, or mysterious ancient ritual. It is actually very simple to understand.

Think of gravity as an unchanging law of the universe. When you drop something in the air it will drop to the ground. If you jump off the building you hit the ground. Just like the law of gravity law of attraction is no different. It simply attracts into our lives whatever we are focusing on. All focused thoughts turn into things eventually.

What we focus on expands like gravity. To understand the law of attraction, first, we have to understand that we always attract into our life the people, the things, the resources, and the ideas that are in harmony with our dominant thoughts.

Likewise, If we want to become a better human being, a better father, a better mother, a better brother or daughter, or want to increase our sales or income, we will only achieve these targets when we become better.

Here are three strategies that helped me apply the law of attraction in my life.

1. Upgrade Your Filter and Avoid Confirmation Bias

As human beings, we seek information that confirms what we already believe. What does that mean? It is very simple.

We hear what we want to hear. For example, I have watched many videos containing very useful information, still, some people dislike it and pass negative comments.

The problem is we all have filters. Every piece of information that goes through our mind goes through a filter that is called confirmation bias.

If some information reaffirms what we already believe we take that in, if it doesn't, we ignore it or even sometimes begin to fight or argue. This is why the same content provokes such different reactions.

It has nothing to do with what the videos say or teach. It has everything to do with what we believe. It solely depends on how we see the world.

For example, once I went on hiking in the northern areas of Pakistan with my friends. When we reached there I was mesmerized by the magnanimity of the mountains, breath-taking lush green landscapes, and flowing springs. All of a sudden, I heard one of my friends say: “Is this for which you travelled thus far for hours? Have you come here to see the grass?”

I was so surprised, even shocked to hear that. I wondered how two people could look at the exact same thing and see entirely different things.

So, in order to upgrade our filter and allow useful information to take our life to the next level, we have to avoid confirmation bias.

How to Avoid Confirmation Bias?

In my view, to avoid confirmation bias, we have to allow ourselves to be wrong. If we want to get closer to objective truth, we have to admit that we can be wrong especially in the face of a new piece of information. This will allow us to make discoveries in this world.

No matter how hard I find it, I try to be open to disconfirmation about my belief system, political ideology, or cultural worldview. This allows me to listen to others and understand them better.

In addition, I remain ready to test my hypothesis.

Like our biases, our assumptions also keep us from thinking clearly. For example, before Einstein introduced his general theory of relativity, the common assumption was that universe neither expanding nor contracting. As expected, his idea of a dynamic universe was rejected outright until Edwin Hubble showed that the universe is expanding.

Another important thing I do to protect my filter is to be aware of repetition.

In my view, religious and political tenets are over-emphasized for intensity and effect. This technique is usually used to brainwash the masses until they begin to believe that something is true simply because of hearing it so many times.

So, in case of repetition, I become skeptical of what powerful people are telling us again and again.

2. Transform Your Way of Thinking

To get the maximum of the law of attraction, I realized that what we focus on expands. It does not matter what happens to us what matters is how we think what happens to us.

In fact, we can determine how we react and feel.

It is not the world outside us that dictates our circumstances and conditions, it is the world inside us that creates the conditions of our life. We can choose to want to give attention, or not give attention.

For example, if you go home and begin complaining: “Oh, my job is so boring. I don't like it. It is horrible.” Here you are actually reliving the bad experience. You are giving energy to a bad experience.

Here you can choose whether or not you want to give energy to the bad experience. That is how we attract the law of attraction. The more we give energy to something the more we attract those things into our lives.

Moreover, I found out that If I do not attract good things in my life I get attracted to negative things. It is like taking care of my garden if I don’t take care of my garden weeds grow.

Weeds are those negative thoughts that grow when we don’t feed our minds with useful information, motivation, and inspiration.

The law of attraction works 24/7, we cannot stop it even if we want to or even if we are not paying attention to it. We can choose what information we consume every single day and choose what we pay attention to.

You can choose what channel you watch. you can choose what video you watch. you have the power to choose.

For example, I don’t watch the news because most news is nothing more than negativity and they are just designed to grab our attention. It is just a sensation. It doesn’t do much to my life, it doesn't make me a better person except If I watch the news I don’t go out and don't want to do anything. In this way, I protect my filter from negativity.

3. Change Your Vocabulary

I believe what we say to ourselves becomes our self-fulfilling prophecy.

That is why we need to watch out for our choice of words. For example, if you ask people about their goals. Some will say they want to become successful. Others will say they want to become millionaires.

Well, here you are just wanting. Think of the universe as a being. when you say I want to become a millionaire the universe will say, “Okay your wish is my command, I will grant your wishes.”

You know what happens to you all the time wanting not having. The universe says you just want, you are not believing you are what you want to become.

So, instead of saying I want to, you should say to the universe:

“I am successful”

“I am a great person.”

“I am a great entrepreneur.”

“I am a great salesperson.”

“I am a great father or mother. I am a great son or a daughter. I am a millionaire.”

Remember these affirmations are not external. You are not supposed to tell this to others. You are just saying this to yourself. You say this in your head. Here you need to see whether or not your behaviors, your actions are congruent with what you want to be.

Bear in mind, you cannot be a millionaire with fifty thousand dollars habits. You need to see yourself being that person before you get the required results. you need to see yourself acting, thinking, behaving like the one you dream to be.

Here, I am not talking about money. I am talking about your mindset of operating like a millionaire. This will make all the difference before you get results and before the money gets deposited in your bank account.

Does that make sense?


In short, the law of attraction can do wonders in our lives if we can train our minds to attract useful information, motivation, and inspiration. For that, we have to avoid confirmation bias that prevents us from thinking out of the box and come out of our comfort zone.

So, to get the maximum of attraction law we should stop wanting and start acting as if all our dreams have come true.



Nadir Mahmood
Clear Yo Mind

Writing is my passion. I write about self-improvement, fulfilling life and financial freedom. Let's grow together!