Learn How To Control Your Reactions

Reasons Why We React The Way We Do

Isabel Young
Clear Yo Mind
2 min readMay 18, 2022


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio:

Why It’s Important To Control Your Reactions:

It has a direct impact on your health and well-being

It Can Have An Impact On Your Career Or Business:

The first step to controlling your reactions is to identify the triggers that cause them.

Once you identify the trigger — you can work on avoiding it or coping with it in a more effective way.

There are many ways to control reactions

How to Control Your Reactions:

We have all been there — we are having a great day,

and then someone cuts us off in traffic.

We react right away with anger and frustration.

But what if we could control our reactions?

What if we could learn to manage our emotions so that they don’t dictate the way we act in every situation?

There are many ways to control your reactions —

The most important one is to be mindful

Of your own thoughts and feelings.

This means taking the time to notice when you start getting angry or frustrated, and then trying to figure out why you’re feeling that way.

Once you’re aware of what’s causing your reaction

It becomes much easier to change it

Control Your Emotions and Reactions:

When Faced with Stressful Situations

Coping with stress is not easy.

It can be difficult to maintain a positive attitude when faced with a stressful situation.

There are many ways to control emotions and reactions when faced with stressful situations.

Some people react less and manage their emotions better by practicing mindfulness and meditation techniques.

Others try to distract themselves from the stressor by listening to music, watching a movie, or reading a book.

Some people also take time for themselves and do things they enjoy such as going on vacation or exercising to relieve stress.

Final Thoughts: The Importance of Controlling & Managing Your Reactions:

When we are faced with stressful situations, it is

natural to react with a fight-or-flight response.

But when this becomes chronic — it can lead to mental health problems.

One of the best ways to control emotions and

reactions when faced with stressful situations

is to use coping strategies.

Coping strategies are a way to manage emotions and reactions when faced with stressful situations.

They include distraction techniques such as:

Taking deep breaths or listening to music

As well as positive thinking techniques

Like focusing on the positive aspects of the situation

Or seeking social support



Isabel Young
Clear Yo Mind

Motivational, Mindset, Health & Getting Better with Age - Helping people improve what they think and how they feel about themselves. https://linktr.ee/beyoung2