Letting Go Of Your Past Is Challenging

Why You Should Stop Complicating Your Life

Isabel Young
Clear Yo Mind
3 min readDec 14, 2021


Photo by Thanh Long from Pexels

Stop Complicating Your Life:

Life is meant to be simple, uncomplicated. If you are making life complicated for yourself, you should try simplifying your life.

We should all stop complicating our lives.

We have a lot of pressure to keep up with the demands of the world. We are always looking out for the next thing that will make us happy and we are always craving for more.

It is time to take a step back and stop thinking

about what we don’t have and start appreciating

what we do have right now.

In order to simplify our lives, we should not think too much about all the things going on around us and rather focus on what’s important — our family, friends, work and health.

5 Ways to Help — Complicated People:

There are certain situations when

people can seem more complicated.

Some of these situations include when someone is in a difficult time in their life. They might be dealing with an addiction, or with mental health issues.

We Can Help Them By — Being There For Them:

1) Don’t worry about finding the right thing to say; just listen

2) Give them time and space — don’t try to fix anything

3) Don’t wait for them to ask for help

4) Offer unconditional love and compassion

5) Be patient with the process

Become — Self-Aware of :

What is Making You Upset?

Everyone is different

You will have to find your own triggers

You need to come up with a plan

Learn to handle them in a healthy way

There may be times when it is hard for you to be patient in certain situations. You may also feel this when you believe that someone is not treating you fairly.

Sometimes, it is also difficult to let go of the past.

When you feel it’s time for you — Stop dwelling on the past

You need to think about what happened

Try and recognize what made you angry.

Ways To Let Go Of The Past:

It’s difficult to let go of the past but it’s possible.

There are ways that people use —

In order to let go of their past.

One way is through meditation, yoga and mindfulness techniques that allow you to learn how your mind works and then change your habits accordingly.

Another way is through counseling, which allows you to release pent-up emotions in a safe space with someone who is properly trained.

Some people create rituals — like burning photos or objects that represent their past. Others turn to spirituality for support in letting go of the past.

Don’t Jump To Conclusions —

When Someone Is Irritated with you:

The ability to simplify the complicated is a skill

This is crucial for anyone who wants to succeed in life.

It’s easy for people to get frustrated when they are given an explanation that takes more than ten seconds.

We all want simple solutions

It’s important not to jump too quickly to conclusions

When someone is irritated with you

Final Thoughts:

Learn To Let Go Of The Past & Enjoy The Present:

We tend to cling onto the past

In order to make sense of it.

We are creatures of habit who are programmed to repeat patterns. We do what worked in the past with little thought for future consequences or outcomes.

But, the past is always changing and will never be the same again. We should focus on what we can control, which is our present and future.



Isabel Young
Clear Yo Mind

Motivational, Mindset, Health & Getting Better with Age - Helping people improve what they think and how they feel about themselves. https://linktr.ee/beyoung2