Success And Belief In Yourself

Who are You? Do you really know yourself?

Isabel Young
Clear Yo Mind
3 min readSep 28, 2021


How is Your Belief System Created?

Our belief system is created through our beliefs and opinions. Your beliefs and opinions will only guide your actions to some extent. Your actions and results will also define what your beliefs will be.

If you want to improve your abilities, you must believe that you will be able to do so. If you want to get a desired result, you must do what it takes.

However, if you want to change your beliefs and opinions, you must act on it. You must take action to do what is needed to change your beliefs and opinions.

The negative beliefs and opinions will disappear when you change and replace them with positive ones.

What Determines Your Actions?

Your abilities, beliefs, and opinions will also determine what you do. You may think that you are not smart enough or that you are not good enough. When you believe and are convinced about something, you will focus on it.

If you believe that you are not smart enough, you will stay in that state and struggle to move forward. If you believe that you are not good enough, you will only see all the limitations and give up on your goals.

What Successful People Do — to Get Ahead

Successful people know how to take action towards their goals. They do this by changing their belief system. When you decide to change your actions, you will start to get results.

You must do what it takes to change your beliefs and opinions as this will affect your actions. Your old beliefs and opinions will disappear when you replace them with new beliefs. This will in turn, change your new actions.

This “I don’t know” or “I don’t believe in” is very important because it will make your beliefs. We need to be careful when we say we don’t know or don’t believe in something, as this will eventually become a reality. Words are very powerful as they become our reality.

Staying positive is more important than some people are aware of. There are those that put themselves down with their words and wonder why things are not getting any better. You are forming your beliefs and your character with your words and your actions.

Be all that you can be — by staying positive!

You Can Get Rid of Your Negativity

Get rid of your negativity and replace it with positive thoughts. Learn to express yourself with your words and in your writings.

Negative thoughts are similar to garbage that you must get rid of. The longer it stays there, the more it will bother you, and eventually it will stink. The smell will start to spread. This is an ongoing process.

Keeping and repeating negative thoughts can lead to low self esteem and depression. We regularly throw out trash out of our home.

Why would we keep garbage in our minds?

Final Thoughts:

There is only one way to change your beliefs and opinions and that is by changing your actions and thoughts. You will not succeed if you believe that what you are doing will not work.

You will be giving yourself a better chance at success by changing your beliefs. This will improve your opportunity for success.

You are able to do it. You must first believe you can — and then just do it!

The more you write, the better you will be building positive emotions and finally seeing yourself as a writer. These actions are building your new belief system.

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Isabel Young
Clear Yo Mind

Motivational, Mindset, Health & Getting Better with Age - Helping people improve what they think and how they feel about themselves.