TikTok CONTROLS Your Life, Here’s How To Stop It.

Take back control of your life.

Clear Yo Mind
5 min readDec 6, 2023


Photo by Craig Adderley on Pexels

TikTok Makes 80% of your decisions..

I feel like we can all agree that TikTok does influence the majority of our decisions. From the type of music we listen to, and the type of movies we want to watch, TikTok does have a huge impact on your decisions. TikTok controls our lives because it controls how we think about a certain thing, you might like a video you found funny, but when you look in the comments every completely hates it, therefore you change your decision and begin to hate on that video as well.

It seems as if we struggle to stick to our own opinions about a certain topic and just tend to follow the crowd. I’m going to give you a few signs that show’s that TikTok controls your life and I’ll tell you how to stop it.

  1. Following The Crowd

I sort of mentioned the first sign earlier and that’s following the crowd. We never go with what we love anymore, we just love what other people love because everyone always wants to relate to another person in some sort of way. Like your outfit choices for example, let’s say you like wearing tight jeans because you like how it looks on you, but when you see a video telling you the type of clothings you should not where and when tight jeans is mentioned in that video, that obviously breaks your heart. Something you love is being criticised by another person and other people are also agreeing with that person.

Over time, you start to wear tight jeans less and less even though you like it. You struggled to stick to the outfit choices you liked because nobody else did. Nowadays, nobody wants to stand out, everyone wants to follow the sheep and wear what’s trending instead of what they truly like. You might like a trending outfit and that’s fine, but another person might not yet they would still wear it because they would get criticised less by other people. It’s almost as if following your heart isn’t a thing anymore, people fear being laughed at by others for wearing what they like. The thing is, they’re not the ones who have to change their opinions it’s you.

You need to change the way you view that opinion from your perspective. How you think about the opinion of another person is what will affect how you feel and how you react. You have to view that opinion as a negative, and negatives are what we don’t focus on in life, if someone does not like the way you dress you should not let your mind consume that opinion. The more you think about what they said about you, the more you will suffer, and end up being a sheep just like them. You have to literally fight for your position, you need to stick to what you love instead of loving the same thing a billion other people do.

This can be said for anything other than your outfit choices, maybe you have a certain goal you want to achieve, but people believe it’s over-saturated and you will never achieve it.

2. Follow your heart

Follow your heart, listen to the music you love, wear the clothes you love, achieve the goals you desire the most, don’t let anybody try and change your opinion about something you love because you will regret it in the future. I understand it will be hard to wear what you love, listen to the music you love, and achieve the goals you want to achieve simply because other people might criticise you. I mean the amount of people that criticise other people’s music taste on TikTok is quite crazy.

Let me give you another example, so his name is Andy, Andy loves country music since it’s helped him get through his toughest times in life and overcome things he never thought he could overcome. But Andy acknowledges the fact that a lot of people hate country music but he still listens to it because honestly who is actually going to know? One day later Andy is walking to work and he sees one of those TikTok creators who come up to you and asks what song you're listening to, Andy panics and he actually lied about what he was listening to.

Andy was listening to country music but he lied and said he was listening to rap music because he feared people on TikTok might make fun of him. The fact that Andy had to lie about something he loved to avoid any conflict is quite upsetting. So guys don’t be like Andy, appreciate the type of music you listen to regardless of the opinions of others.

3. Stick to your side

If something truly means a lot to you and you really love it, then you stick to it no matter what. You follow that heart of yours and ignore anyone who does not like what you like. You need to become stronger mentally, you need to allow your mind to accept the fact people are going to criticise you or make fun of you and you as a person should not take it to offence.

Opinions are opinions, they have no real answers, just because the majority of people agree that still doesn’t make it right, so stick to your own thought about something no matter what. It’s your life, you are in control, don’t lose that control because of another person. Literally be the donkey in the crowd of sheeps, be the one that goes left whilst everyone else goes right, follow what you feel is right to you and your heart.

Following the recent trends might be easy because you can relate to most people, but deep down, it’s not really what you love and you know that. So from the start and from the end of your life, follow your heart, follow your desires, and stick to your own opinions. You might lose friends, you might lose followers, you might lose support, but at the end of the day, you know you do what’s right for you and your life.

Outro :)

Thank you all so much for reading, feel free to check out my E-Book since it has all the steps you need to reach success and it’s just so easy to understand even a 2-year-old could understand it. That’s going to be all from me so have an amazing day.



Clear Yo Mind

I write articles that will help you become the best version of yourself.