What stops us from going for our dreams

why can’t we move closer to what we want?

Santram Meena
Clear Yo Mind
3 min readFeb 22, 2024


It’s almost absurd how often we find ourselves to be doubtful and hesitating to pursue our dreams, as if it’s something out of reach or even forbidden.

Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash

Let me understand this and normalize this for myself and everyone around me is that it’s okay to go for what your gut say.

But the truth is, all those people out there, who are doing amazing things, they’re simply trying to do what they’ve dreamed of.

And you know what? It’s okay to do that. In fact, it’s what we’re supposed to do.

“Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world, he is responsible for everything he does. It is up to you to give [life] a meaning.”
— Jean-Paul Sartre

Think about it. What would you do if you couldn’t fail? If money was no object, what would you regret most not doing at the age of 80? These questions are more than just thought experiments; they’re a nudge to push you in the direction of your deepest aspirations.

But then, why doesn’t it come as easy to everyone? Why then, the most of us would never even take the first step towards the pusuit of our goals?

Why is that?

Here is a possible answer. How you grew up, the conditions you were surrounded by, and the people in your life — they all play a part.

It’s the fear of change, the fact that pursuing your dreams feels so alien to the group you come from.

And, in an attempt to escape it, we often give in to our distractions — anything that can momentarily put that pain of inaction to the back of our minds.

But here’s the real question: How do I make it easier for myself to take that leap? How do I grow in confidence and leverage the risk of change?

It starts with the understanding that what you’re afraid of isn’t real. That we know nothing of the reality. Rather, our fear and uncertainty are borne out of our perceptions of reality.

It’s about acknowledging that going after our creativity & intuition is a fundamental aspect of being human. It’s our birthright. And it’s for all of us.

To dream is to create something into existence that wasn’t there before. Our entire lives are a form of self expression.

I think here is what would help us make sense and validate the psychology behind our creative pursuit.

Embracing Change

  1. Reframe Your Perspective: Everyone around you is trying to do what they could do to make their as good as possible life. You might as well do the same for yourself. Instead of seeing change as a threat, view it as an opportunity for growth and self-discovery.
  2. Nobody’s Expecting You to be Perfect: You are not gonna get it the first time. Nobody does. And neither it should matter. Nobody can compete with you in being you. Nobody is going to have the exact same impact as you do on the exact same people. Find your strength in your uniqueness. Stop putting yourself through the self-imposed filters driven by our own insecurities and ways that we happen to inhabit as a result of an imperfect past.
  3. Take Calculated Risks: While pursuing your dreams may involve stepping into uncharted territory, it doesn’t mean you have to do so blindly. Take calculated risks, make informed decisions, and be prepared to adapt along the way.
  4. Cultivate Self-Compassion: If you’re even thinking about it, you are more ideal and in line with your values more than you give yourself credit for. Understand that it’s okay to feel scared or uncertain. Practice self-compassion and be kind to yourself as you navigate through this transformative journey.

Seizing the Moment

The truth is, none of us can afford to wait any longer. The longer we delay pursuing our dreams, the more we risk missing out on the extraordinary life we envision for ourselves.

So, take a moment to reflect on what truly matters to you and what you’re willing to do to make it a reality.

In the end, it’s about recognizing that while the fear of change may be daunting, it pales in comparison to the regret of not having tried at all.



Santram Meena
Clear Yo Mind

Writings on Climate Change & Personal Growth. Advocating change & positivity one article at a time.