Worrying Can Help You Be More Creative
It Can Improve Your Productivity
Worrying Can Actually Improve Your Mental Health
Worrying may not seem like a positive thing,
but it can actually be beneficial to one’s mental health.
Worrying may not be easy to stop. But there are ways to help oneself worry less and reduce anxiety. There are many methods that exist, such as meditation, cognitive behavioral therapy, and breathing exercises.
Most people think of worry only as a negative emotion.
But it is actually a part of the creative process.
The key to worrying well is to worry about the right things.
Worrying May Improve Your Creativity
Some people think that worrying is a wasted emotion. They believe that it does not serve any purpose. We should not think of worrying as a useless emotion, but rather as an opportunity to preserve our resources.
Some people believe that the more they worry, the more creative they become. However, there are also people who believe that worrying has nothing to do with creativity.
When people are busy worrying about something,
they are focusing on their worries. This is because
they are trying to find solutions to their problems.
Stop Worrying & Use It To Take Positive Actions:
We are all guilty of worrying about the future.
It’s an instinct that has served us well in the past. However, there are times when this worry may be unproductive, and it can even lead to inaction.
Some Steps When You Find Yourself Worrying Too Much:
1) Step back and understand if your worry is realistic
2) Recognize what you could do to make a change or take action
3) Imagine how different your life will be if you fix this problem
4) Take one step towards solving your worries
Worry Can Be A Tool To Get You Into Action: Writing More!
You read about other writer’s successes, the amount of money they made, and how they seem to have it all together. (You worry that you’ll never make it).
You can react with the feeling of worry, as you go back to your stats and find only pennies or dollars. (You start to get excited when you see more money).
Or you can be inspired and motivated to write more and publish more. Because you know deep inside… YAY! — Breakthrough Time!
That if they can do it, I can do it!
Final Thoughts: Transform Worry to Action
Learn To Use It As A Tool To Become More Productive:
Worry can be used as a tool for you to start or continue to take action.
It can actually motivate you to get started.
You are determined not to fail. You want to succeed.
Worrying does not need to be negative
Can help you become more productive
Learn to use it to your advantage