Submit Your Stories to Clear Your Throat

Trey Kauffman
Clear Your Throat
Published in
2 min readNov 8, 2017

Clear Your Throat was born from the desire to help young, gifted writers without a platform build an audience while not having to compromise the integrity of their work. We are an incubator for Medium authors to learn, grow and hone their craft while reaping the benefits of a writing community driven to share quality content.

As the platform grows, our structure and guidelines will evolve to best help our network of writers grow. Initially, we will accept 15 to 20 writers who wish to share their content with a larger audience. Our editors will make suggestions to help maximize reader engagement and help improve the clarity and flow of your story.

To be considered for Clear Your Throat we ask that you:

  • Have fewer than 25 Medium followers
  • Have at least 10 stories published on Medium
  • Have a willingness to share your content, as well as other Clear Your Throat content, with your network(s) of readers
  • Ability to publish at least two stories per month

The goal is to help our writers grow their readership numbers, their followers and the amount of engagement they see on Medium. As our writers grow, they will be graduated on a writer-by-writer basis to make room to allow new writers into our program.

We are a platform which promotes original ideas and stories encouraging expanded thought and introspection. Content guidelines (at time of writing) are open, so long as it does not attack or persecute any groups or individuals.

We are not a platform for top 10 lists, and we do not publish stories which promote magical thinking. We will not publish any stories offering up the 10 Easiest Ways to Grow Your Online Business, or How You Can Earn $1,000,000 Through the Power of Positive Thought.

For consideration, please email with the subject line, “Clear Your Throat Submission” and a sample of your best writing.



Trey Kauffman
Clear Your Throat

Writing about my years of sobriety, life as a solopreneur, how I learned to swim at 37, and what those experiences have taught me about life.